Ch. 1 Goodbye Paradise

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After the light faded, all I saw in my vision was darkness. That's it...

That's it?! Are you telling me the afterlife is absolutely nothing? No giant gates welcoming me to Heaven? No one to guide me or something? No nothing?

...I guess this is my life now, better make the best of it by talking to myself.



Huh? Why do I hear a siren all of a sudden?

???: "Get to the shelter!"

People..? What is... I can't even see what's going on. Am I dreaming again? No wait, I'm dead already. The fuck is going on?!


Suddenly, as if to answer me. My vision started to come back in the form of a glitched videotape or a TV while a bunch of red text appeared and disappeared, I couldn't even get to read any of it.



Aside from that, the other text and... things in my field of view made no sense. If anything this looked like a HUD you'd see in a first-person shooter!

As I got up, I saw that my hands were completely different from what they were- No, what the hell is this? They're like metallic claws and... what is this metallic stuff on my forearms?

I looked at my legs, they were also metallic but it looked like I was wearing red shoes or something... then the lower part of my leg was the same as my forearm.. I'm seeing a pattern here and it's not good!

But screw that, that damn siren is annoying me! What the fuck is going on?!

I left the alleyway I was in and dashed into the streets, they were empty and no people were around. The siren also stopped. I stood there looking around, left and right, forward and back.


Wait, I can't speak for some reason. There's nothing coming out of my mouth. Actually, I don't even feel that I have a mouth. I touched the place from where my mouth should've been, nothing. I can't speak, breathe, nor feel that I have a heartbeat-

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw something akin to a black hole increasing in size while causing destruction, blowing strong winds. Ah shit- I was blown away by the gust hitting the ground, scraping through the asphalt. It felt like I saw the light again.





As my vision returned once again, I helped myself to my knees and saw the City in front of me in ruins, partially so.

I'm too shocked from all of this to even be shocked or start losing my sanity. I can't even scream my lungs out for crying out loud.

I kept walking forward until I ended up near a crater, on the other side there was a boy, presumably a high schooler with... literal blue hair. That's not legal, but whatever. However, he had a shocked look on his face as if he saw a ghost, staring at something down at the crater.

I slowly glanced down to see what was it all about. Huh, yeah now I wish I could sleep by now because this is getting too much for me to process. Eggplant-looking girl with mystical magic armor, her foot was on a throne. Yeah, this is starting to remind me of that one visual novel.

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