"I'll... I'll think about it..."

Fuzz smiles. "Alright, I'll leave this flyer here with you. See ya!" Fuzz exited their room, leaving Coward alone in his bedroom. The door creeks a little as it sweeps the leaves leftover on the floor. 


For the past 3 years, Fuzz has been his roommate, protecting and keeping Coward safe from all threats, especially from Hassle, Coward's strongest hater. But after Fuzz has completed the prerequisite training to join the military, he has to move to another dorm, unwillingly leaving Coward alone in his room.================================================================================



"Ah, shit... I should've ask him to clean this room with me first..." Coward just realized the room is still messy with the leaves.



[Later That Night...]

Coward was brushing his teeth in the restroom. It was very quiet that the water dripping's sound from the leaking pipe echoes in the restroom. The night was pitch black, and only a small light from coward's Multi-functional Communication Device (MCD) brightens the restroom a little.

Most of the Sword Academy students already went to their bedroom as it already past 15PM. But unlike other, Coward love to watch some of the flowers that blooms in the night (like Epiphyllum Oxypetalium) before he goes to sleep.

Due to the planet rotation (and the orbit's speed too) is (calculated to be ) half the speed of Earth's, but since the clock syncing is based on Earth, 24AM and 24PM exists

But before he could see those flowers...


A metal can lid dropped on the ground. Coward who just spits out his toothpaste heard the clanking noises, and was thinking for a moment, recalling the same sound that has something to do with his...

"My Savings!" Coward's eyes widen. He realized that his savings is in danger. He rushed to his bedroom, and as soon as he entered the wide opened bedroom's door, he can see that his glass saving jar was empty.

Dub Dub... Dub Dub... Coward's ears captures something...

Dub Dub... Dub Dub... Coward was able to hear someone's heartbeat nearby him.

He glanced to his back, capturing anything in the darkness. Unfortunately, he can't see quite well since the hall is pitch black.

He doesn't give up. He squints his eyes even more, trying with his wolf's vision to sense even the slightest movement in the darkness.

In the hallway, he can see someone who is wearing a black jacket leaning on the hall's wall. It's probably just a mannequin, but the black jacket person is slowly getting smaller. Coward who was confused rubs his eyes a little, and looked at the black jacket person again, and it gets even smaller over time...

It turns out that the man in the shadow is tip-toeing sideways while leaning to the walls.

"HEY! COME BACK!" Coward who just realized the black jacket person's trick immediately rushes towards him. The black jacket person quickly run heading to the hallway's main connector that connects many other hallways. He takes a sharp right, and quickly disappeared before Coward get to see his face.

Coward (Beta Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon