Start from the beginning

Because what the hell was [Name] supposed to do when she couldn't even make contact with him when limitless was active? Moreover, Taiyohime reckoned that [Name]'s physical strength matched her own, and because she doesn't have cursed energy, the training would likely focus heavily on physical combat and handling cursed weapons.

Thus, Taiyohime found herself torn between options on who's the more suitable special grade.

On one hand, there was Satoru, skilled in physical combat and super strong too because of limitless and six eyes, and on the other, Suguru, adept at both physical fighting, cursed spirits and cursed weaponry.

However, both men had earned a spot marked with an 'x' in Taiyohime's mind, as she hesitated to entrust [Name]'s training to them. Originally, Taiyohime had considered suggesting Suguru as a trainer for [Name], but after the recent incident, that idea had been swiftly discarded.

Satoru was no viable choice either. This left her with only one option: Yuki Tsukumo.

Yuki, another Special Grade, was probably the only special grade taiyohime respects.

Maybe it's better if yuki was [Name]'s trainer, because there's no testosterone and they're both women. But, the problem is, how the fuck is she supposed to reach out to yuki when she's at abroad?

Taiyohime let out an exasperated groan, her bandaged hand pressed against her throbbing forehead. In the periphery of her vision, she observed [Name] fumbling with the cellphone she has given her, holding it upside down. With a resigned sigh, she muttered, “That's not how it's done,” her voice laced with the weariness of a tired parent returning home from a long day at work.

Curious, [Name] queried, “Then how?”

Her eyes followed Taiyohime's swift actions as she deftly took the phone from her grip and effortlessly flipped it.

“Oh.. so that's how it's done then..” [Name] murmured, her gaze shifting to Taiyohime, who appeared lost in thought.

“Why is it black?” [Name] inquired, remembering that phones aren't supposed to be like this, because she has seen satoru use some phones sometimes. Gently tapping the phone's screen, [Name] accidentally brushed a button with her other hand caused the device to suddenly flash open, startling [Name] into a yelp, followed by a grimace of discomfort.

“What the hell was that?” [Name] was not okay with having a cellphone now, because she almost got blinded by that, and ofcourse, since she shares the same genes as satoru, she likes to exaggerate.

“That's normal” Taiyohime sighed, a hint of weariness in her voice.

“Is it really?”  [Name] inquired, a puzzled expression causing furrows to appear on her brow.

“Yes,” Taiyohime affirmed, her shoulders drooping slightly in resignation.

“Well, that's weird”

Taiyohime sighed softly before composing herself and clearing her throat.

“Anyway, regarding your mentor,” she started, an obvious disdain on her voice.

“Would you... be amenable for geto to be your trainer instead of... satoru?” Taiyohime finally broached the topic after much inner debate. She had concluded that Suguru would be the ideal fit as [Name]'s trainer, especially considering that he has cursed spirit manipulation and that he could also show her how cursed spirits looks like. Unaware that [Name] was already acquainted with such creatures.

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