If you need to use your safeword

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Barba, Carisi, and Nick all are working undercover at a gay bar when the entire operation goes wrong. It was originally going to be Carisi and Nick only but the suspect decided to change their kidnapping to three instead of two people. They went after men who could pass straight but were gay in secret. This worked well for them because all three of them were straight. Last minute change in the standard prey almost blew the entire thing. Finn wasn't available and the only other man who was close enough to the squad was ADA Barba. Thankfully he agreed when Liv asked him to go UC.

All three of them met at the office to discuss the details of the UC. Sonny and Nick are secretly together and they want to introduce Rafael to their relationship but just for a one-night stand. They all agreed that it seemed simple enough. Sonny and Nick would be physical with each other and Rafael would watch and leave with them. Nick let his toxic masculinity show and said "No kissing on the lips at all unless they have a gun to our head". Sonny blushes and says "Duh amaro this is strictly under cover so if you don't think you can do it then let me know now. This will include me touching your thighs under the table and who knows what else". Rafael rolls his eyes and adds "Arguing like an old married couple already".

The plan is to go to the club tomorrow night and record off their phone speakers just in case they need to take their shirts off they can't risk being caught with a wire. If so the perps wouldn't hesitate to kill them right then and there rather than waiting until after the rape. Sonny shows up in dress pants and a white button-down shirt, no tie because it's after work hours and Nick shows up in jeans and a white t-shirt. Maybe they should have communicated better but at least it looks more natural this way. Rafael shows up in a pair of black jeans and a blue button-down shirt. It works perfectly that all three men go together, this will catch the attention of the abductors for sure. It's a gay club most commonly known as a front for straight men. Which doesn't make sense but homophobes are relentless.

Sonny and Nick walk in together and start holding hands as soon as they get in the door. They sit at the bar order a couple of drinks and engage in small talk. Then comes in Rafael and sits a few seats away. Sonny and Rafael make eye contact and Sonny blushes and acts bashful. Nick glares over at Rafael and places his hand on Sonny's upper thigh under the table. Sonny puts his hand on top of Nicks's hand and whispers in his ear. Nick looks back over to Rafael and nods at Sonny. Sonny looks at Rafael and motions a come here with his finger. Rafael looks around the room and notices they are being watched but plays it off as him being clueless. He comes over and sits next to Sonny and they begin to introduce his character. Rafael tells them they are being watched but not to make it obvious. Rafael sneaks a hand down to Sonny's other thigh that isn't being held by Nicks's hand. Sonny looks down and blushes as Nick moves his hand closer to his groin area. Nick uses his free hand to pull Sonny's face in close to his and Sonny can only look at him.

Nick looks at Rafael and then at Sonny. He hopes that the abductors try to take them soon so Liv can put an end to all of this. Nick lets his hand sit on Sonny's bulge and he uses his other hand to whisper in his ear before kissing him on the mouth. Nick can feel Sonny freeze but quickly Bounces back from the shock and gets into the kiss immediately. Sonny is leaning his head into it and pushes Nicks's hand down so he is almost thrusting in his hand. Rafael just watches as his cheeks turn red. Feeling a little left out he runs his hands down Sonny's back and around to his thighs, Nick and his hands touch and this causes Sonny and Nick to pull apart. Nick smirks at Rafael and Rafael gets the hint. He grabs the back of Sonny's head and pulls him into a kiss. His neck is straining at an awkward angle but Rafael doesn't stop. He slips his tongue into Sonny's mouth and Sonny lets out a noise in surprise. Rafael pulls apart soon after and begins talking with Nick.

This is taking way longer than it has for other people in the past so Nick takes out his phone to text Liv while Sonny and Rafael talk. He asks if the guys are watching them but she doesn't reply or even read it. He messages again saying it's urgent and to let him know if people are outside to step in. He begins to panic but doesn't want the captures to know so he tells them let's go back to our house. Rafael looks confused but chugs his drink and makes Sonny chug his almost full drink also. Sonny has had 3 strong drinks and he is glad the gig is almost over because he's tipsy. Nick walks with his arm around Sonny and Rafael helps carry Sonny also. They open the door and are immediately shoved into the back of a van by 4 men in all-black clothes.

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