The Hunt

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The humans lived in different nations, which means they aren't all united.

While the humans were hard at work, they heard the blaring sound of their town alarm system, it was a warning for an upcoming beastly raid.

An unidentifiable noise was heard after the alarm. The villagers rushed back to their homes to ensure their families safety
(P.S most of the workers are men)

Some stayed to watch what's happening.
Once they climbed on the walls near the gate of the city to take a look outside, they got slaughtered in an instant.

But by what?..

The men of the families started barricading all the entrances to the village and after that they started barricading their houses once they got in.

Through a tiny hole through the windows inside the houses, a man could be seen with a sword facing the gates bravely.

"Don't act all heroic! You'll get killed in an instant!"

A villager from inside their house advised him.

He ignored all the words that came out of the people's mouths.

A giant black gooey creature could be seen

The man outside seemed to be sweating and looks impatient.

A woman on top of the walls of the village suddenly appeared.

"Kara! You're finally here, took you long enough!"

The man on the ground near the monster yelled

"Now pass the shit!"

Kara tossed an orb like item.

The man threw the orb strongly towards the big gooey monster and it made a small hole through it.

It seemed to do nothing at first but the monster vanished into dust.

There are still monsters left since it was a raid but they both quickly took them out with the mans sword and Kara's bow and arrow

"It was a close call Marc, luckily I was here"

Kara smirked

"Shut the fuck up, you took forever!!"

Marc swore

"Ey, go easy champ, kids are watching us through their windows."

Kara signalled with her eyes pointing at the kids

Marc rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, let's bounce, the organization's gonna be looking for us by now, it's 10 minutes past the time we were supposed to be back."

Marc stated as Kara nodded.

The villagers didn't get the chance to express it through words, but they were very thankful towards Marc and Kara.

-At the headquarters-

???: Marc, Kara, excellent work back there...

"Yeah, no shit boss, I almost died on the first mission you fuckin' asshole"

Marc snapped

"Hey, hey Marc calm down"

"Calm down? You're the one to talk, you arrived 5 minutes fucking late!"

"Hey, it isn't my fault I have a grandmother on the brink of extinction you fucking prick, why can't you be mindful for once?!"

Kara also snapped

Marc was about to talk back but he stopped himself.

"I-  I'm sorry alright? I've had a long day, I'm sorry if I come off as a prick."

He apologized

???: Oh stop the sob story already, I don't want your dumb back stories I've heard over and over again. Are you gonna take your paycheck or not!?

" Yeah, yeah whatever, hand it over 'boss' "

Marc demanded

???: Here!

He hands them each three gold coins and 3 silver coins

"All that hard work for minimum wage?! What the fuck?!"

Kara complained

???: Don't complain, it's that or you're not receiving your pay.

They couldn't complain so they left headquarters to head out for dinner.

(Next episode will be kinda short, and a filler)

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