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The King was slowly walking over to the dining table, as Alastor had just put the food, setting it down on two plates. 

"O-oh, hello, your majesty." Alastor stuttered, making the King chuckle.

"Haha, Alastor, you really don't have to do that." The King smiled, getting all flushed a bit. "Your outfit is.. Nice. What are you making?"

Alastor stood there, flustered by how the King had complimented someone like him. He decided to ignore it and not to put too much attention to it.

"I-I'm making Jambalaya, it's my mom's dish she would always make for me." The radio demon locked his eyes back onto the King, who was staring at the food, stepping closer to the dining table to take a closer look.

"It looks delicious.." The King mumbled, barely audible, but the radio demon still heard it and gave out a little chuckle. Lucifer sat in the chair where there was the dish in front of him, and another one for Alastor.

The radio demon took a deep breath in unison with the King, as Lucifer gave a little chuckle and so did Alastor. The radio demon sat right in front of Lucifer, accidentally caught staring at him. The King didn't mention it, and just let him be, since Alastor probably doesn't know how to handle this type of feelings. The King looked down at his food and took a bite, before squealing with joy.

"Oh my!" Lucifer beamed. "This is so delicious!"

The radio demon blushed at how cute the King looked digging into his meal, devouring it. Alastor looked down at his own meal to dig in to. It was awkward, and the only sound was just both of them chewing.

"So.. How are you?" Lucifer paused, still chewing the food in his mouth. Alastor was hesitant, but locked his eyes on Lucifer's.

"I'm okay, what about you?" He answered.

"I'm doing alright.." Lucifer answered back with a friendly style. The rest of their dinner passed by in silence, until both of them finished their plates. Alastor immediately grabbed a bottle of wine for both for both of them.

"I uh, no thanks, last time I drank I got really crazy, remember?" The King chuckled in a worried tone, hoping not to upset the radio demon.

"Oh I know, but a little can't hurt! Just don't get too carried away!" The radio demon insisted. I couldn't refuse to at least a little bit, so I groaned and accepted.


Me and Alastor were laughing and chuckling at jokes and our broken humor. He was barely taking any sips, while I was already on my fifth shot. Wine isn't really my thing, but I teleported a bottle of whiskey and gulped it down.

"Hey, hey! Lucifer! That's too much, your gonna get drunk!" Alastor called out, stopping himself from talking as he stood up from his chair.

"Nah, don't- *hic* I'm just feeling *hic* a bit tipsy!" I huffed, feeling dizzy. I didn't want to seem weak to him.

"No, that's too much, Lucifer." He growled. The King was blushing as red as a tomato because he was feeling drunk, and he felt like he was going to black out. Lucifer was pretty sure Alastor noticed Lucifer seeming weak and about to pass out, so he quickly rushed and ran behind the King's chair.

"A- *hic* Alastor! I'm fine!" The King hissed, while Alastor glared at him. Even though Alastor was blushing hard at seeing Lucifer all drunk and hair messy, he kept looking at him and kept glaring at the best he could. The radio demon picked up Lucifer, as the King pouted and screeched like a child, making Alastor's ears droop down.

"Stop yelling!" Alastor hissed, but that just made Lucifer yell louder. The only way to stop him from yelling and screeching is to...


Alastor had no choice. He leaned close to the King's face, his lip's quivered before slightly kissing him on the lips softly, making the King look surprise. The blonde was stuck surprised of what happened. Even in his drunken state, he still had control over his senses, and he would definitely remember what Alastor had just did, even during his hangover. The blonde decided not to question. He trembled, blushing hard. Alastor stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to the top floor, floor 13. Lucifer hummed to the elevator music until something caught him off guard. Very, off guard.

The radio demon shot at the King's neck, making deep bite marks and sucking his blood, angelic blood dripping from the bite marks. Lucifer winced and whimpered silently, as he was blushing hard, even though he was drunk, he was only tipsy and still had control of his actions... Mostly.

Alastor went a bit too far and covered Lucifer's neck in deep hickey-like bite marks. The King turned over to the radio demon and deeply and passionately kissed him. They were both flustered of what's happening. Alastor shot back and deeply and passionately kissed the King back. They were both making out in the elevator randomly, as they were both giving out little whines and moans. When Alastor finally noticed the elevator had chimed when it got to the 13rth floor, he slowly made his way over to Lucifer's room, while till nipping and biting his neck.

The radio demon was extremely flushed of what he was doing. He threw the King on to the bed, and climbed in with him. Alastor knew better not to do anything too crazy, and to take it slow and just cuddle wit him for the rest of the night. Although Lucifer would be extremely angry at the radio demon, he couldn't say no, just for a few hours.

Before laying next to him, Lucifer and Alastor made up, kissing and nipping at each other's necks, until Lucifer got tired and fell asleep in Alastor's arms. The radio demon didn't know what to do first. Alastor's eyes locked onto Lucifer's waist, realizing how small it way again. He gently grabbed it, and pulled Lucifer closer, and wrap his arm around him. The radio demon was very nervous, as he only had this feeling once when he was alive with his ex. Alastor sighed, before trying to fall asleep, my eyes fluttering close.


I shot my eyes up, immediately remembering that I had to get back into my own room before Lucifer caught me. Thankfully, he was still hungover, and I could make my way out of his room. It has been 3 days since we've been the only ones in this hotel, all by ourselves. The other hotel members would come back in approximately 4 days. I fled Lucifer's room, and walked into my own room. I haven't broadcasted in a while, but it's way too early, so I should do that sometime in the evening.

I had pretty much nothing to do other than prepare breakfast, since I haven't had some yesterday. But I was pretty fed up with all of Lucifer's blood, so I resisted. Since I was still tired, I felt like it would be best if I just went back to sleep and hope Lucifer doesn't remember what happened last night. It would be best if I didn't talk to him about it. I shut my door close, and say in my bed before laying down and fluttering my eyes close once again, trying to sleep.

Author's note: Did things just get spicy? It sure did!

Oh my god I love you guys we're almost at 100 views! YAY! Thank you guys so much, I am really trying my best with my horrible writing skills!

Word count: 1256 words

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