Chapter 9

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TW: Mentions of self harm.

"We need to set something up papa, if creatures get exposed the humans will kill us all and I for one would like to see you all live." She said leaning on the table in front of her. They had all just heard the report that more witches and demons had been put to death and she knew the only way to protect them was by separating the creatures. As much as it pained her it was the only way. She looked at him and she knew what he was thinking. "Don't give me that look, I hate this idea but I want them all to live. Isn't it better to live apart than watch the other die. Imagine if it was maman, you would do anything to protect her. I am doing this for Lu." She sighed and ran her hand through her lose curls. "I know, it won't be in place forever will it?" He asked and she shrugged she had no idea, she kept away from the whole magic thing in her own time, she barely possessed any so what was the point. It was bad enough she was forced to attend coven meetings and watch others do magic while she had to sit on the sidelines. "We tie the covenant to you, it will stay in place until you take your place as the leader." He said thoughtfully. "No absolutely not, I am no leader." She said quickly. "Funny, I could have sworn you commanded an army of men out there Limpet." She gave him a withering look and all he did was laugh. Philippe walked round and placed a hand on her shoulder. "We will only do this if there is a way for you and your sister to break this." She looked up at him sharply. "No, me and my sister haven't spoken in years what makes you think we will again?" A knowing smile appeared on his face, the one that always irritated her, even as a child when she demanded to know why she couldn't beat Lucius. "Trust me." He said before leaving, leaving her alone in the command room utterly speechless. She loved the man like her own father but he had a way to wined her up to no end. She knew the Congregation needed to be made and she knew creatures had to be kept separated for their own good, but that meant her and Lucius couldn't be seen together, well in public anyway. Why was it she had to be a part of something that would break the man she loved. She took a deep breath and stood straighter, it wouldn't be forever, she would find a way to get her way back to Lucius, to get her memories back and to destroy the covenant and create a new one. She just had to find two other witches and three demons to set up this congregation with. Aspen woke with a start, the dream was fading rapidly now and though she was trying to remember she just felt black spots and saw images of her and Diana when they were younger. She shook her head, she had learnt it was not healthy for her to keep trying, the migraine was not worth it, besides she was going riding. She smiled at the thought of being totally carefree as she raced across the French countryside. She threw back the covers and shivered slightly as the cool French morning air hit her skin. She saw the book she was reading on the bedside table with a book mark in place. This confused her because she remembered falling asleep while reading and definitely did not put a book mark in it. She did not dwell on this though as she spotted an outfit laid out on top of the dresser. She padded over and saw a note on top. She picked it up and noticed the neat cursive handwriting and suspected this was from Ysabeau. Aspen,I know this is presumptive but I am sure you have nothing suitable for riding so I found this for you. I hope this will do. Enjoy your ride. Ysabeau.Aspen smiled at this, Ysabeau was right she had nothing suitable, after all she hadn't expected to be able to ride on her trip to Venice. She knew she should ask her host if there was a good boutique nearby for her to get some more clothes after all she had no idea how long she would be staying. Aspen picked up the clothes and changed in the bathroom. Everything fitted perfectly, almost like it was made for her, she pulled her hair in a thick messy braid before pulling on the puffer vest and her riding boots, which were again lent by Ysabeau. She looked at herself in the mirror before leaving, she felt different, there was a lightness in her, a freedom that was kept at bay by her anxiety and now they were back and she began to feel a semblance of normal again, something she hadn't felt since she was four years old. She smiled at herself as she ran down the stairs to the kitchen. She slowed to a walk as she entered smelling the greatest smell in the world, fresh bread. "Morning Marthe." She said cheerfully grabbing one of the fresh rolls and slipping two apples into her pocket, one for herself and the other for Wicker. "Good morning Aspen, do you mind not eating all of breakfast." The older vampire smiled at her. Aspen grinned as she grabbed another roll. "It is not all of the breakfast, there is plenty for my sister, besides I need to prep Wicker for a ride and I have a feeling that will be easier said than done, so I need a breakfast to go." She smiled as the older woman levelled her a gaze, she smiled and skipped out of the kitchen to the stables. When she arrived she had finished her rolls and was throwing her apple in the air. She stopped at Wicker's stall and smiled as she presented the apple to the horse. He took it greedily and she stroked his main. "Hey handsome, ready to run?" She asked and he stamped his foot in response. "Good, behave while I get you ready." She said in a warning tone and he appeared to nod. She got in the groove as she brushed him down, checked his hooves before going over to the saddle rack, where the De Clermont apparently liked to display every saddle they owned, she walked along the wall and saw that each saddle had a name plaque. At first she thought it was the name of the horses they have had but she quickly realised it was the saddles owned by which De Clermont. AS she went along the wall, she stopped when she saw a section labelled Liv/ Aspen. She didn't know all of the De Clermonts but she was pretty sure none of them were called Liv or Aspen so she felt safe taking one saddle and blanket. Scooping it up in one arm before grabbing a bridle in the other. She carefully made her way back and gently placed the saddle on his back. It was about an hour after she had began when she was ready to ride, when Wicker bumped her pocket and she remembered the other apple she had grabbed this morning, she thought about eating it, but she was full after the two rolls and she knew Wicker would protest if she ate it in front of her. So she gave it to him. After he finished she led him out the stall and swung onto his back. She patted his neck as she guided him towards the exit as soon as they touched the grass of the field behind the castle she spurred Wicker into a trot to warm him up and then into a canter before finally they were galloping across the countryside. She let out a squeal of laughter as they raced through the still green fields. She had missed this feeling, Wicker was fast, faster than the mare she had back in Madison, Sunrise, and she loved her but Wicker was better. "Show me what you can do boy." She leant forward whispering in his ear and as soon as she said that he let loose. She pressed her body down and clung on for dear life. She screamed and laughed before she caught a glimpse of two other riders. She gently pulled the reins back and pranced over to them. "Shouldn't you wear a helmet?" Matthew asked looking at her worried. "What good is a helmet?" "Aspen, what if you fell off?" Diana asked as she shrugged. "Wouldn't happen, besides you saw how fast I was going and I remained squarely in the saddle. You both worry way too much. Besides we are not even jumping today. I wanted to warm this handsome boy up first." Wicker shook his head and lifted it higher. "Now enough about my safety, what about you? How are you doing Dee?" Aspen asked quietly. "Tired, but apparently witch wind will do that." "Did you know you could even do something that big?" "No, my magic has been playing up ever since I reached Oxford but nothing as big as that, but Knox just pushed me. It's like what Sarah said magic is connected to emotion." "That is good, at least the line will live on through someone." "You have magic Aspy, I know you do." "Don't make me laugh Dee, if I did it would have shown by now, you and I both know that." Aspen sighed, she had had that conversation many times and it always went in circles and came to nothing apart from anger. "I might, I might not it does not matter, you have magic, a boyfriend, and can function in society. You will pass on the line even if he is a vampire, you will still have a family." Aspen said with finality ending the conversation as they arrived back at the castle. Aspen had not realised she had been out all morning, when she saw the clock it had gone twelve. "I need to tell you both something." Matthew stated with such severity it made both of them stop, they were going down the steps into another garden, her and Diana were engaging in an animated discussion about their previous riding competitions. "Matthew what is it?" Diana said softly going immediately over to him, while Aspen stood where she was with her arms crossed. "I did some research into your parents death." Aspen sucked in a breath, that was not where she thought that was going. "They were murdered." He said and Aspen rolled her eyes. "Yes thank you for that revolutionary bit of information." She snapped. "No you don't understand, they were murdered by witches." Diana stilled before walking away in shock, Matthew called after her while Aspen gave him a slow clap, she had been saying that for ages, after all she knew her parents would have used their magic to get away from their with her if it was just ordinary humans. "You don't seem shocked." Matthew said bluntly. "Why should I be, I knew that. I was there I saw their bodies Matthew." She muttered looking down as the unwanted images of their bodies lying motionless and the suited man came to her mind and all thought of lunch was gone from her mind and in its place was anxiety and nausea her favourite combination. She turned and walked away from him, she took off her vest and hung it by the door before just wandering. She thought of anything but that day. She stopped in front of painting. This one had two subjects, Philippe and Liv it read on the frame. She looked at the young woman who was identical to her. The pair seemed close as she smiled at the artist. "Is this really necessary, I've been forced to smile all day." She grumbled, they had all insisted she get her portrait painted with everyone and she was getting sick of it. "Be patient Limpet, I know it was never your strong point-""Hey, that is not fair, I was four." "Not the point, for us it is a reminder and it shows to every vampire you part of this family." "I know, I am just tired and hungry, after all I need those things remember." "How about we do this tomorrow father, Harp does look like a corpse and it is not your best look love." Lucius muttered and she sent him a look."Real charmer you are.""That is why you love me." Aspen stuck her tongue out at him and Philippe sighed. "What was that about you not being four?" She smiled and shrugged. "That was one of his favourite paintings, he would stare at it when he missed her, now I do it when I miss them." Aspen jumped as she heard Ysabeau beside her. She looked over and gave a small smile, the anxiety was settled now and she suddenly began to feel hungry. "What happened to them? If you do not mind me asking." She whispered, she knew how difficult it was to talk about those you lost, she could hardly hear someone mention her parents without seeing their final moments. Whoever said time healed all wounds was severely wrong, it only made the grief a dull pounding rather than a sharp pain. "Liv was a witch, and she time walked home, that was one of the last times. As for my husband, he died during the war." Ysabeau said so quietly Aspen almost did not hear. "I am sorry Ysabeau, I know what it is like to lose someone, though I imagine as your mate it must have been torture." She said softly and the woman grabbed her hand and squeezed it. "Every day I think of them, it never gets easier but find who killed them and hurt them, show them your pain. It will never lessen the pain but it is incredibly satisfying." Aspen nodded as she stared at the painting. "Thank you, for telling me. I will leave you to whatever you were doing." Aspen smiled as she walked to her room. She had thought of some refinements for her side project and she needed to write them down. Aspen was trying her hand at fiction, she loved writing non-fiction, but often it was heavy and could cause arguments so she would write a chapter or two on her own fantasy novel, it was still in the early stages but she was beginning to see the vision. Around dinner she changed out of her riding clothes and into a simple long sleeve maxi dress that she had chucked in her bag, in case she was forced to attend a random event. It was a dark red, some would call it blood red but it was beautiful. She put it on and neatly plaited her hair again before going downstairs. She was the last one to arrive and took her place next to Diana and Marthe poured her a glass of wine that almost matched the colour of her dress. Diana tried to make conversation while Ysabeau gave clipped responses, it was strange she thought how different the woman had interacted with her in the brief encounters they have had. The dinner also was incredibly tense, more so than the night before and she couldn't figure out why, after all Diana,she had been told was the better sister, the more likeable one and yet she was the preferred company right now. Thinking of preferred company, her mind went back to Baldwin and what he was doing, she had tried calling him earlier, just to say she was there safe because she thought that was the least she could but he did not pick up. She thought of how they said goodbye and she wanted to hit her head against a wall. It was so stupid and she did not know what came over her but it felt right, natural and yet it was awkward and she should not have done it. She would have to talk to Ysabeau and Marthe about him, without making it too obvious of her probably small crush on him. She would at last find out of his relationship with the girls that looked liked her. Dinner was slow and tedious and awkward and that feeling continued to the sofas that was in the other half of the dining room. Aspen sat awkwardly next to Diana while the Marthe and Ysabeau sat opposite, Matthew put a record on and offered to dance with Ysabeau who accepted. As Aspen watched them dance, she wondered what it would be like to dance with the better looking De Clermont. They were dancing, there was alcohol, there was music, there was food, there was laughter and there was family. She had missed this, celebrating Christmas this way, with everyone, the villagers as well, the house full of joy. "You look beautiful love." Lucius murmured into her hair. She was wearing a simple red gown, in her opinion it was nothing special. "I am glad your here, I miss you every time you leave." She looked up at him and placed a soft hand on his cheek and gave a small smile. "It is not intentional. I promise soon this will be how we celebrate every Christmas, just be patient my love." She said as he kissed her forehead. "Heads up Matthew id coming." He whispered in her ear causing her to playfully hit his arm. "May I have this dance?" Matthew asked. Aspen shook her head as the memory faded into the crevices of her mind. Aspen was uncertain, she may have taken classes but this was different, she never had to deal with a partner. "Uhm, sure. I warn you professor Clairmont, I do not dance." She smiled playfully at him and he sent her look as he began to guide her. It was honestly easier than she expected once she let her anxiety go and allowed Matthew to guide her. She was glad though when she could sit down again though. Aspen watched as Diana began to dance something that was similar to a tango. Then her sister started glowing, her magic began to almost ooze out of her, it was stunning, but there was a small part of Aspen that was jealous of this, that her sister had power, power she never wanted but jealousy was never a simple thing. It was not long before they decided to take a walk leaving the Aspen, Marthe and Ysabeau and Aspen seized her chance to discuss Baldwin. "What is it like with all of them here? I imagined it would be chaos." She said as they settled down, with another glass in her hand. "You could say that, the girls are messes, Verin has eased up but Freyja's soul duty is to cause chaos and she will drag Stasia into her schemes, Matthew and Marcus will be in good spirits and dance on occasion and Baldwin, well he prefers a drink and then back to work. Though we have not been all together in a long time and even then Baldwin would rarely come, to many memories of Liv." Marthe said as Ysabeau sent her a look. "Who is Liv, she is in a lot of the paintings and looks like me?" Aspen asked, she was not sure if she wanted the answer but she had to know it was eerie seeing her face every where when she knew she had never been here before, well at least she thought she knew. "Liv, was our honorary daughter, she met my husband and Baldwin before I was around, but from what I have been told, they met when she was four and she would keep popping up in different times always a few years older. We have not seen her since 1603 and I think we assume she died in her own time. It broke Baldwin every time she left, they were close, closer than even Matthew and your sister. They loved each other and protected each other. She was a warrior and led armies but she always turned soft for him. Liv loved us, she would chase them around, join in practises and spend all day in the country side." Ysabeau said with a far of look in her eye and the sadness that she had seen with the others when they thought of the past, of the family they lost. "She sounds terrifying but amazing. I wish I could be that brave, instead I have anxiety that prevents me from doing simple tasks most of the time." Aspen said quietly as Marthe sat beside her and place her hand in Aspens. "But you are too, I know we have not known you long but you are amazing, you ride incredibly well, though you should consider a helmet." Aspen huffed at this. "You have talent, your a historian, you have a doctorate, you make the past come alive and that is a talent my dear. Don't let anxiety dictate who you are." The older vampire said causing Aspen to smile, it was weird having people believe in her, only a three people have said something along those lines. "Thank you, that is really sweet." She said looking down as she felt both vampires stiffen and a tension rise in the air and before she knew it she was up and running through the corridors in the direction where Matthew and Diana were. Something was wrong and she could feel it. She spied a dagger near the door and grabbed it. She didn't know why, she did not have any experience with one and yet it felt right. She snuck carefully toward where they were standing and she saw one of the vampires from the congregation. Her anxiety bubbled up, but she willed her heart to stay calm and beat slowly. It was impossible for a vampire not to detect her and to keep the element of surprise so she wanted all the time she could get. As she got closer she heard them talking, by now Ysabeau and Marthe were there. "Domenico. What an unexpected visit." Ysabeau said perfectly calm, the opposite of how Matthew felt if his body language was to go by. Aspen noted it was wound up ready to pounce. She continued to slip round behind the vampire and as of yet she hadn't been spotted or paid attention to at least. "Ysabeau it's a pleasure to see you. How did you know I was here?" Aspen watched as the three vampires tried to keep Diana back but she was being stubborn and barged her way to the front to stand next to Matthew. "I smelled you." Aspen tried hard not to laugh at that response, but she did have a point, Aspen was close enough now that if she wanted to she could attack and he reeked of designer aftershave. "Maman. Take Diana back to the house." He looked over to Aspen and she shook her head, where this confidence had come form she did not know but she was staying. "I think she should stay until I deliver my message. Diana Bishop, you must come before the Congregation for questioning and to hand over The Book of Life." Aspen heard Matthew snarl at this announcement. "You tell the congregation that I don't have it. If they want it, they can get it themselves." She said and Aspen knew Diana had no idea how much shit she was getting herself into and it was no doubt going to mean she was going to be dragged into it. "You must and come and tell us how to. Your sister gave us no insight." He turned to look at Aspen and she shoved the dagger up her sleeve, a familiar itch appeared on her arm and she ignored it as she kept her focus on the vampire. "Well, Dr Aspen Proctor a pleasure to see you again, though I thought you were for Oxford." He said taking a step closer to Aspen and she moved next to Ysabeau. "Diana and Liv will not be going anywhere with you." Matthew said taking a step forward and dread began to form in the pit of her stomach as Domenico's eyes widen by a fraction as he turned to her briefly. "Are you refusing to let me carry out Congregation orders?" Domenico asked wanting to clarify that Matthew really wasn't going to do as he was told."I am." "You do know the consequences?" "Yes, I do!" "Matthew, please, don't do this." Ysabeau begged but Matthew was not even listening any more and it clicked for Domenico, she could see the understanding in his eyes, the material he could use for blackmail. Aspen took a step back and made toward the house and to her room. She ran once she was inside and changed from the dress into a simple long sleeve black t-shirt and black jeans and the riding boots, placing the dagger on the side. The itch had got worse but she had other things to focus on. She grabbed her laptop and made her way downstairs and to the sitting room where Marthe and Diana sat. "What is the Covenant?" Diana asked as she slipped in and leant against the wall. "It forbids species from interfering with humans and interspecies relationship." Aspen said quietly as they turned to her, shocked that she was there. "That's insane. Why would anyone ever agree to that?" Diana asked and Aspen shrugged, it was just another reason why her stupid crush on the head of the family would never come to anything, his job was to uphold that agreement and not break it, that was why he had a younger brother. "There were a lot more of us creatures back then. And we'd grown accustomed to taking what we wanted. Philippe decided that if creatures from different species mated, it might upset the balance of power. So the Covenant was drawn up." Marthe explained as a dream came to the forefront of her mind, causing a headache, so that is what they were talking about. Aspen thought as she rubbed a hand down her face. "What happens when creatures break it?" Diana asked, as Marthe stood. "To my knowledge, it never has been broken." She said quietly as Matthew walked stormed in Ysabeau stopping beside her. "He's gone. There'll be no more visits from the Congregation." He said confidently and Aspen immediately knew why, he was not going to break the Covenant, it may pain him to do so but this was his way of protecting Diana. Aspen felt a sliver of satisfaction before she remembered that this was her sister and she should feel sorry for her. But her mind was else where, her anxiety had come back now hitting her like a ton of bricks and the itch was only getting worse. She needed fresh air. So she whispered quietly to Ysabeau that she needed air before running out of there, going through the kitchen exit so she could grab her puffer vest from earlier before leaning against the car she assumed was Matthew. The cool air felt good on her face, she hated her anxiety, though she was rather glad she did not collapse into a sobbing heap. She rolled back her sleeves and stared at her arms, the little white scars, the promise she told herself came to mind but that was quickly drowned out as she began to itch both arms trying to feel some relief, but none came as Matthew stormed out the house. "Move, Aspen I need to go back to Oxford." He growled as he opened the car, she did move but only to open the passenger door to get in. "Good, because I need to get to Oxford." She said plastering on a smile, he said nothing as he drove off. Aspen saw Diana run out after them before rain began to fall in buckets, she sensed the magic, Diana was causing this her grief. Once again her sister showed she had the power. Aspen curled up on the seat and stared out the window, getting comfortable for the long and probably quiet drive back to Oxford.

Her Red KnightDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora