A letter from Home

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Almost two weeks had passed since the incident, and by now Draco had almost fully healed. Hermione had sat by his bedside for the first couple of nights bathing and tending his wounds as best she could. Various healing books lay strewn across the floor, some of the pages were wripped and torn where she had rushed to find a certain spell.

Some of the cuts were deep and had needed stitches; her father had helped with this. She smiled at the thought of the upstart Lucius Malfoy and what he would think of his son receiving what he would consider to be a lowly muggle remedy.

She ran dainty fingers over the newly sealed wounds, and even though Draco was asleep she noticed his breathing seemed to ease whenever she did. She repeated this several times, humming softly as she did so.

The enchantments had not yet been tested and she felt relatively certain it would stay this way. The death eaters didn't know the precise location of the house. For now, as long as they didn't draw any attention to themselves, and stayed inside the house, they were protected.

Outside, the sills were coated in thick snow, and crisp flakes were falling as Hermione gazed out the window which overlooked a quaint little garden. The green grass was entirely submerged, and an icy fountain lay in the middle of a neatly patioed area. There was also a conservatory which had been a recent new extension.

It was christmas eve morning and Hermione had carols playing on her CD player. Christmas was always her favourite time of year, although it appeared this one would be very different indeed. Draco stirred and she propped him up in bed, making sure the covers were keeping him warm, before collecting a small glass from the bedside table and passing it to him. She held it to his lips, as he was still rather weak.

'Here drink this Draco, it'll help.'

The truth was, it was nothing magical. Just water in fact, but the muggles insisted on keeping hydrated - particularly when one was ill. Hermione thought they were rather clever at times. Draco sipped slowly, the cool water sliding down his throat.

'Thanks' he said, wincing faintly. 'How long was I asleep for?'

'Only about ten hours' Hermione said, her face in a wide grin.

'Only ten eh? Well you should have let me sleep a little longer then. No wonder I'm still tired.' He winked.

'There's a letter that came for you.'

Hermione seemed serious now. Draco looked fearful at her.

'What? Who from? That means they know where to find me. We need to go Hermione.'

He got up to move but Hermione lay a palm on his chest pushing him back against the pillows and said calmly.

'Relax Draco. Nobody knows our location. This letter was given to the order by your mother. A member of the Order delivered it today, they couldn't risk sending an owl so they came hidden under the invisibility cloak. It's still sealed. Here you can see for yourself.'

She passed it to Draco and their hands brushed - both feeling the electricity of skin on skin contact. They blushed.
Draco tore open the letter but didn't read it aloud. He would share the contents if he felt comfortable in doing so.

To my Dear son Draco.

Firstly, I am so glad you are safe. And you will be glad to know that both I and your father are too. Krul came to us and told us everything. Your father has managed to persuade Krul and Zardak to keep their mouths shut.
If they had talked, then the consequences could have been disastrous. Your father and I have made a cover up story which we believe is strong and believable, to which Krul and Zardak both agreed. We are not angry with you Draco. We all do silly things. But you must come home straight away. You must leave Hermione Granger's at once. That girl is trouble.
I will say no more until you return. I miss you son, I hope to have you home in time for Christmas.

All my love, Mum xxx

P.S burn this letter immediately after you've read it and allow nobody else to read it. Especially Hermione Granger.

Draco tore his eyes away from the letter and threw it aside in disgust. His chest was rising and falling rapidly, his temper rising. He gripped the bedsheets hard between clenched fists and closed his eyes.

'What's the matter Draco? Are your parents okay?' She said tentatively, drawing closer to his bedside and putting a hand on his knee.

Draco opened his eyes, her touch had soothed him.

'Yes they're both okay.' He said.
'It's just. I'm fed up of them treating me like a kid. I'm in fifth year now, I'm not some stupid little first year. I can see whoever I want whenever I want!'

He delivered his last sentence with such ferocity that Hermione jumped.

'I, I guess I was mentioned then?' She said, staring into those electric blue eyes of his.

'Might have been,' he said. Rearranging himself into a more comfortable position. 'Look' he said, clasping her hand. 'Truth is, my family want me to go back. They don't want me anywhere near you. You know what they think of you, it's common knowledge. But I say, I say to hell with the lot of them!'

Hermione flung her arms around his neck and the two of them shared an intimate embrace, losing themselves in the blissful moment - their bodies entwined.
Draco gently placed his forehead against hermione's and placed a hand on her chest.

'You are the most important thing to me now. He said slowly, each word heartfelt, each syllable meaningful.
They lay there for another hour, listening to nostalgic Christmas tunes and feeling sentimental. Four words kept playing over and over in Draco's head from the letter: 'that girl is trouble.' That's true he thought smiling to himself. She almost got me killed. But I'd do it all again in a heartbeat.

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