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As Tyler sat up from the floor, looking around at his group of friends. He had never liked them, but his parents had told him he had an image to uphold. They forced him to become friends with them. As he listened to them talk about which girl they hooked up with last, he made his way towards the water fountain. He kept his head down and watched his feet go one in front of the other. Obviously not looking where he was going, he walked right into a boy. Embarrassed he starts to apologize, but when he looked up at the boy he froze. Staring at him, he feels his heart beat faster and feels his hands start to shake. He had never had this feeling before and he couldn't describe it. It felt like the fear of losing a basketball game and having to deal with the consequences from his parents back home.

Tyler had seen the boy around school, but didn't have any classes with him or had even been close enough to see what he actually looked like. He examined the boy's face and clothes. He was beautiful, with chocolate brown eyes that squint when he smiled, Tyler only knew this because he was smiling at the moment. He had green hair, almost forest green. He was wearing a band shirt and skinny jeans with a black flannel tied around his waist. He had gauges and a nose piercing. He was not the type that Tyler would hang around with, but something about the boy made Tyler want to get to know him better.

"Hello?" The boy spoke, breaking Tyler out of his thoughts.

"H-Hi" Tyler stuttered, still unable to move.

"I'm Josh." The boy stuck his hand out to shake Tyler's.

"Tyler." Shaking his hand.

"So, I see you ran into me." Josh laughed, his eyes doing the cute squinty thing.

"Uh, yeah, sorry. I wasn't paying attention at all. Sorry."

"No, it's okay."

"Okay. Well, I better get back to practicing for the game."

"Okay, see ya later Tyler."

"Bye." Tyler waved at Josh as he walked away. Tyler was relieved when he could finally walk again.


Tyler was distracted during the game, he couldn't focus and missed every shot he tried to make. He shot one more time as the buzzer went off and missed. The team lost 58-43. Tyler's parents were already mad, but Tyler couldn't stop thinking about Josh, everything about him confused, but interested Tyler all at the same time.

That goddamned boy. Why does every part of Tyler want to be his friend? Maybe even more? Tyler shrugged the thought away, he liked girls. He adored girls, ever since he was little.

If Tyler became friends with Josh, his friends would ditch him. He doesn't even want to think about what his parents would do. Tyler didn't care, he still wants to be Josh's friend even if he has to keep it a secret. As much as he hates his friends and parents, they're all he had, and he couldn't lose everything over a boy he just met. 

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