Check Up

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After the drive Adrien and Marinette had finally arrived to the doctor office.  Chat help her out of the truck and walked with her inside. 

It wasn't a regular doctor office. It was one of the best known around. It was also Louis doctor office. 

When they entered Chat walked towards the front. The lady in at the front desk and smiled at Chat.

The Lady - Good Morning Sir Nior. What are you here for?

Chat - I'm her for my girlfriend appointment.

The Lady - Yes and what's her name?

Chat - Marinette Dupain-cheng. 

The lady nodded her head. " Ok i can see here that you guys are on time. Please go down the hallway. Your room number is 234.

"Thank you" After he said that he grabbed Marinette hands and walked with her down the hallway. 

As she was walking in front of him he couldn't help but look at her ass. She was moving while she was waking.

Chat - Mmmm your ass looks so fat in that dress. I did a good job picking it out.

After he said that Chat grab her ass.

Marinette - Stop Chat we're in public. 

Chat - Mmm just wait tell we get home. I'm going to fuck you in that ass so hard you want be able to walk.~

Marinette - Chat!

Chat - Mmm I'm going to put my dick all up in that pussy. ~

Marinette face was now a burning red. She couldn't believe that he was saying all of this while waking down the hallway.

They stop waking once they reached the door. Chat open the door and enter the room.

Once they sat down Chat was going to say something until the nurse came onto the room.

The Nurse - Good evening Mr. Noir I'm just here to take some blood, weight, and your blood pressure from your girlfriend. 

Marinette - Ok.

The Nurse - Ok I'm going to ask of you can step on the scale

Marinette nodded her head and got up.  She took her slippers off and stepped on the scale.

She waited until the nurse said she was a loud to get off of it.

The Nurse - Ok your now im going to check your blood pressure than your blood. 

Marinette sat on the sat on the bed so that she could take her blood pressure. 

The Nurse - So how far are you?

Marinette - Oh I'm 3 months. 

The Nurse - Wow well so far I don't see any problems.

Marinette - Well that's good.

After she was done taking her blood pressure she took some of her blood.  Marinette let out a humm when the needle went into her skin but after a minute it didn't hurt anymore.

The Nurse - All right that should be it. The doctor should be here in 15 or 25 minutes. 

After she said that she left the room. Once she was gone Chat got up and pushed Marinette down on the bed and lifted her dress up he took her panties and pulled them down.

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