Chapter Two

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It was November 17th, a couple days after the first blitz attack on England happened. My mum and I arrived at the train station to see hundreds of children crowded, surrounding platform 5.

"I'll be right back, i need to get your label stay here" My mum said walking away. We all got specific labels of where we were going and who would be taking us in for the rest of the war. We were told one family per household but clearly not.

My mum returned and she tied a thin brown rope with a yellow piece of paper on it around the string to my rucksack. She handed me my ticket as I was looking around to spot four children saying goodbye to their mum. I figured it was time for me to say goodbye to mine.

"Bye mum I'll miss you" I dug myself into her arms wrapping myself around her. Not wanting to let go, I didn't think saying goodbye would be this hard. I continued waving to her and stopped when I had to hand the lady my ticket and make my way on the train. I stepped onto the train and the door immediately closed behind me, not giving me a chance to  say goodbye to my mother. I leaned out the window and waved goodbye to my mum and saw the four siblings from earlier standing at the window next to mine. The train started to move and i coil feel my face turn red in sadness as my mum's figure got smaller and smaller in the distance.

The train had multiple compartments and seating for the hundreds of kids onboard, I was walking around the train with my rucksack on and saw all compartments full but one. The compartments were not that big, but they could hold up to eight people in them, they did the job though.

"Hey can I sit in here the other compartments are full" I said opening the door to the compartment and standing in front of the four siblings sat down.  There was a small girl with short brunette hair, an older girl with long brunette hair, a younger boy with black hair and finally a tall older blonde boy.

"Yeah, of course sit," said the tall blonde boy. I sat next to him as the other seats opposite were occupied by his siblings. I think.

"Thanks" I said sitting down next to him, placing my rut sack on the shelf above us, filled with suitcases and bags. I decided to get out a book and read as I didn't know the kid at all, and I thought it would be awkward if I tried to start conversation. It was a pretty controversial book. I was sat next to the window and watched as the tree and fields shot past my view and everything became a blur as the speed of the train picked up.

"By the way, my names peter" The blonde boy said as My mind shifted focus from the nature outside to his button nose and his soft smile. "I'm Olivia or liv" I said as he gave me a soft smile and looking back towards his siblings trying to get inn on their clearly private conversation.

I was reding when the siblings sat opposite me started arguing and fighting about stupid stuff like who was the most favorite sibling and who was the smartest or whatever. I rolled my eyes at them all and looked back down to my book.

"Pretty annoying right" Peter said as he pointed to his siblings sat opposite us chuckling. I nodded and chuckled with him.
"So, Olivia, you from around here" Peter asked looking at me.   "Ye, I live just near the town center what about you" We were getting along good I guess, and I wouldn't mind getting to know him a bit more. He seemed cool.
"Thats pretty cool I live just outside it; I would say around 10 minutes maybe." The fact that we lived so close and have never seen each other before almost shocked him a bit and led him to ask me tons of questions.

We were forced to stay put on this train for hours and by the two-hour mark I had already got to know Peters siblings pretty well. Their names were Lucy, Susan and Edmund. They seemed okay I guess, but Edmund seemed to be pretty naive. I could tell they al missed their parents.

"How long do we have to stay on here for again" I said looking to peter pretty fed up. I've seen tons of kids getting united with their new parents and seeing the upset looks they have, i can tell it's going to be hard for me.

"Depends on where you're going" He leaned over towards me and looked at my labeled ticket attached onto me, He read the cursive handwriting that said 'professor Diggory kirk, Coombe Halt.' He looked at me with a shocked look on his face the turned to the other.

"what" I said to him confused, looking at him and his siblings.

"we're going to the same spot" Peter looked at his siblings and I.

"Impossible, it said one family per household" Susan said looking at me confused.

"Guess I got incorrectly labeled" I said with a sad look on my face, looking out the window avoiding any eye contact possible.

Time went by quicker than I thought, and it was finally time to get off at our stop at Combee Halt. I was scared to spend almost a whole year with the Pevensies as five hours was basically torture, and I wasn't trying to find out what the professor was like anytime soon. We all grabbed our ages and headed to an exit door on the train. A short brown-haired guy opened the door from the inside and let us out leaving us on the platform, The train started speeding away and we were left looking at ourselves. Infront of us was a huge sign reading 'Coombe Halt'. Everything was about to change.

My Other Half // Peter PevensieOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora