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"Well-er, that sure is a big hunch!" Jasper spoke, as he pondered what Ruth had confessed to the duo. Ruth had spent the past two weeks heavily observing Sirius and all three of the Marauders, hoping to find some answers to the incident in the library,

"You have to be really sure about this one, Rue," Adrianna began, eyeing her friend with concern "I couldn't care less about those three, but this is serious, I mean unregistered animagi? That would land them a one-way trip to Azkaban, for crying out loud!"

The brunette girl knew that her suspicions were rather bold, but she was sure of them. After scanning the book's contents, Ruth had gone to place it back on the shelf when a rather large, folded parchment dropped slightly and peeked out from between the pages, she flipped through to the pages that it lay between and scanned the chapter 'Now, turning yourself into an animagus is not easy; you will first need to...'  is what the first line read. Ruth looked over the note and written neatly were the words 'Messers Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot & Prongs proudly present; the Marauders Map' yet after a few moments, the writing had completely disappeared. 

It wouldn't take a genius to realise there was more to this piece of parchment than meets the eye, but after many relentless attempts to make the message re-appear, Ruth gave in, with built-up frustration brewing, as well as a dampened ego due to all of the insults thrown at her, and decided to observe the Gryffindor boys instead in an effort to unveil their secret. So the fact that her friends did not trust her intuition, and the hard evidence she had laid out, infuriated the girl.

"You two just need to trust me on this one, I swear!" the pair stared at her with a grimace and meekly shrugged. Ruth angrily huffed and abruptly stood up, grabbing the borrowed book from the library "If you two can't get it past your daft brains that this may well be a reality, then I'll go and find someone who will hear me out!" and with that, the Slytherin stormed out of the common room on a mission.

Ruth sat opposite her friend who had managed to sneak her into the Ravenclaw common room, watching as her eyes flickered over the text of the parchment and book, awaiting the response to Ruth's crazy suspicion.

"'re telling me that Sirius Black and his friends have randomly become unregistered animagi all because of a piece of parchment found in a book he was holding in the library?" Evangeline sounded unconvinced and Ruth almost automatically regretted explaining the situation to her,

"yes...?" Ruth's face looked pained as she tilted her head to the side before dropping it in frustration, she smacked her head into her hands and sighed in defeat "Look, Jasper and Addie have already shut me down so I promise I won't be offended if-" Ruth was cut off before she could say another word,

"I think that what you're saying makes perfect sense!" The redhead jumped out of her seat and beamed at her friend, Ruth's face grew into a huge grin and just as she opened her mouth to speak-

"This is an amazing discovery, It's brilliant! I mean the discovery- I mean you- I mean-" Ruth gently placed her hand over Evangeline's mouth and nodded giving her an 'I know what you mean' sort of look. She removed her hand from her friend's mouth and noticed that the Ravenclaw's face had turned a bright shade of crimson, "Sorry," she apologised, giving Ruth a sheepish smile.

Ruth playfully rolled her eyes at the girl then projected her focus back onto the book and piece of parchment that practically begged to be examined, 

"Come, Evie," the brown-eyed girl began with a smirk "Let's go and expose those tossers."

⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Five hours had passed, and Evangeline and Ruth had spent the majority of that time creating an entire pinboard linking every idea they could come up with regarding their furry problem.

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