Tek It, Cafuné. (16)

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A young Cale, about 16 years old that sitting in a tree in an unfamiliar place was shown in the mysterious black box, something familiar to Choi Han.

"Cale..." Whispered Deruth, his son seemed peaceful sitting in that tree, he didn't know where that place was but Cale looked peaceful.

"Where did you learn what it means to reciprocate?"

Cale began to sing, his eyes closed and his head leaning against the tree.

"And how much can I be expected to tolerate? Uh"

"Ah! The Young Master sings well, even when it seems that he is not forcing himself!" Hans said admiring the sweet voice of Cale, who seemed peaceful, and according to many rumors at that age peaceful was the last thing Cale was, although those rumors of course no longer exist.

"But what do you mean by reciprocating and tolerating?" Ask Miss Rosalyn, curious about these words.

'Mmh..maybe the young master is talking about the count?' Think Ron, that was the first thing that came to mind with those words.

"So I started to think 'bout the plans I made,

The debt unpaid"

"And you just can't call a spade a spade"

"What plans is Orobani talking about?" Lily asker, who received a confused look from her older brother, Basen didn't know either and it seems no one actually knows.

"I watch the moon"

"Let it run my mood"

"Ah! Cale likes the moon, he shows us when we can't sleep!" Says happy Hong, who made everyone in the room smile.

"Can't stop thinking of you.."

"Who is cale-nim talking about?" Choi Han asked to Ron, who is the person who spent the most time with Cale when he was a child as far as he understands.

But all he got was a frown, Ron didn't know either, and that seemed to bother him.

'Will it belong to your mother or someone else?..' Think Ron.

"I watch you [now I let it go]"

"[And I watch as things play out like]"

"So long, nice to know you, I'll be moving on"

"Ron, do you know who my son is talking about?" I ask Count Deruth, ashamed to ask Ron but he knows that if anyone knows Cale's secrets, it's Ron, and what a surprise he took when Ron nodded his head, he doesn't know whether to rejoice or worry about that answer.

'I don't think you're talking about Miss Jour..' I think Ron frowned, because then that means he has no idea who his young teacher is talking about.

"We started off in such a nice place"

"We were talking the same language"

It wasn't such accurate information about who this person was, but at least they knew he was Cale's favorite.

'They spoke the same language? Could that mean he's got a simplist tongue like Cale? Or perhaps it refers to the term that they both like to drink alcohol..' Think Crown Prince Alberu, it wasn't so interesting to see these moving fragments but for some strange reason it felt good to listen to Cale and he was uncomfortable not knowing who he was talking about.

"I open and I'm closing
You can't stand the thought
Of a real beating heart
You'd be holding, having trouble
Owning and admit that I am hoping"

Those words confused many, made some feel uncomfortable in their chest but of course, the confusion was what most stood out, each new word generated such a feeling in them and frustrated the younger ones of the room not knowing what or who that young Cale was talking about.

The lyrics continued, seeming to repeat some that had been said not long ago, even causing some discomfort.

They were happy that their young master, son and father figure (who was not yet known to him) was going on, but they still wanted to know who or what was going on, everything pointed to that it was a person, but who was it?!

'Mmh this is bothering me, why the human looks sad when he talks to move on?! It's supposed to be a good thing' Raon of seven years old think.

"You, yeah I always know the truth"

"But I can't just say it to you"

"The truth? What truth is he talking about and why can't he tell it?" Murmur Choi Han, this bothered him, the Cale on the screen was one that was completely unknown to him, Cale never told him about his past but short words here and there, he trusted Cale and that if something was important he would tell him but... he doesn't think he has that much confidence

The letters repeated themselves again, this time Cale opened his eyes and looked up at the sky, a warm smile appeared on his lips, a smile that no one who had known Cale at that age had seen, Cale began to smile again at 18 years old. , but he hadn't smiled since he was 10, at least not in front of them since Cale was clearly smiling in that black thing that the goddess showed them.

"I never thought we'd see it through"

"I could never rely on you"

'Poor young master Cale... maybe is because of the rumors he can't trust anyone? Young Master Cale is not a bad person, could it be that whoever he is talking about I misunderstand and that is why Cale can't trust that person?' Miss Rosalyn thought, frowning, coming up with theories about what those lyrics that the redhead was singing in the moving fragments could mean.

"Mmh...it seems like the puppy didn't trust that person he's talking about, did they have... problems?"

'But what kind?' Ron spoke and thought, it continued to bother him but it seems that his puppy no longer talks to that person, he smiled a little knowing that, he is worried about the reason.

"And few times your face came, into view, into view"

"I'm not into you"

"Into you"

"Oh! It seems that the young master is not interested in that person?" Said Tasha, who was in a disguise like her nephew Alberu.

"Yes but...why does he seem melancholic when he says it?" Mormurro Alberu, who was only heard by his aunt or at least he thinks so.

'Mmh...that tone of melancholy should worry me?' Ron frowned even more than he already was if it was possible.

"Ah, Cale your here!"

A feminine voice made everyone stop breathing for a second.

"Ahh...I guess I'm interested"

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, let's go to your room, I'm sleepy."


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