𝐏𝐢𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐏𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐲 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟 𝐚𝐥𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐭

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Jealousy(How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)

— She doesn't really get jealous, unless someone's sharing food with you too much

— She can always tell when someone's getting too close

— So she'll get jealous from that too

— She can get pretty jealous, but not really jealous

— When she is, she puts her arm around your shoulders and drags you away

— "Hello! Bye!"

Kisses(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)

— Her kisses feel squishy, mainly because of her snout

— Her kisses can also be kinda messy, from her eating or drinking

— She likes to kiss you on your cheek, but your lips is fine too! Just a quick smooch though

— If you did the same, she'd love it! Especially on her cheek, she giggles after too!

Little ones(How are they around children?)


— But she can be seen as the nice older sister

— She sometimes trades the kids her food for theirs'

— She super cool to them, she also sometimes starts food fights, Picky finds it hilarious

— The kids say she has the best pb & j's

— For the tiny babies(like in the months, not counting 12 months and over), she knows what foods they should and shouldn't eat

— She can feed the little babies like a mama

Morning(How are mornings spent with them?)

— She usually sleeps in 5 minutes after the time she's supposed to wake up

— The critters(Dogday) have tried waking her up at the supposed time, but CAN NOT.

— If anybody tries waking her up at the 5 minute mark she will actually wake up

— But she's like, "Heyyyy..." She's like sleep drunk but instead she got sleep

— She always wakes up sleepy

Night(How are nights spent with them?)

— She goes to sleep, right away

— Picky will read a bedtime story to you and immediately go to sleep.

— She's cuddly, but falls asleep fast

— She drools, or snores, or both

— Picky can either hug you, keeping you in place, or lightly hug you, slightly slipping out of her grasp

Open(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)

— She doesn't really have anything to reveal

— Other than her stress eating.

— But, she doesn't really reveal that stuff, it's not like it's really personal, she just forgets

— Ask her about it and she'll go, "Oh! Yea, I do that. Not a lot though, so you don't needa worry about it too much!" Shrugging

— There are times where you can't tell if she's okay, mentally.

— When revealing, it can be in the middle, one day she'll say a lot, but the next she's saying it piece by piece

— She overthinks, when it comes to food

Patience(How easily angered are they?)

— NEVER angry, unless you steal too much of her food, especially if she knows you're doing it to make her mad

— If you steal too much of her donuts, she's watching you 5 meters away, in the shadows

— Like somebody...(not specifically watching you, if you know who I'm talking about)

Quizzes(How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)

— Kind of surprisingly, she remembers all of it

— ALLLLL of it

— You can slightly mention your favorite color, all of a sudden it's on her mental notes

— You can count on her for remembering stuff 5 years ago!

Remember(What is their favorite moment in the relationship?)

— When you said you and her can be friends..

Security(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)

— She isn't too protective

— She knows you can handle yourself! Unless you can't. She'll try her best to protect youuu, no worries

— If you can't defend yourself in an argument, call Picky up and she's striking back for you!

— Just tell her what's happening first, even if you're wrong she'll STILL defend you

— A physical fight? Uhhhh(; ̄Д ̄)

— If you protect her, she'll call you charming and say thanks!!

— Picky'll hug you and give you a loving smooch on the cheek

Try(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)

— It looks like she put a lot of effort into it, and she did! What? Did you expect her to just be lazy and make it look pretty?

— Your 'dates' are just eating, or have to do with eating in some way

— If you want no eating 'dates' then... She will sneak a few snacks, not while you're looking though, she has to be sneaky!!

— Anniversaries, she will put on a little dress, or suit, depends on her mood, but Picky will definitely bring it up!

— "Oh yeah! Do you wanna celebrate our anniversary?"

— Ewww, cleaning...

Ugly(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)

— Yea I have no idea

Vanity(How concerned are they with their looks?)

— Isn't. She is CONFIDENT!!!

Whole(Would they feel incomplete without you?)

— She will be very sad, everyday

— She needs her apple :(

Xtra(A random headcanon for them.)

— She stress eats, definitely

Yuck(What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)

— You judging her eating habits

— That's all!

Zzz(What is a sleep habit of theirs?)

— Cuddling with you in order to fall asleep

— Drooling, snoring, can be both

— Taking up the whole bed, also she moves in her sleep so good luck with that

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