~~In The Beginning, There Was Me!~~

Start from the beginning

“...Morning Snowball," 

As I uttered those two words, she froze in place, like a deer caught in headlights. Her gaze shifted slowly towards my bed, her eyes obscured as she faintly gulped. With a gentle brush, she pushed aside her white hair to fully fix her gaze upon me.

“...Morning. Captain.” A faint blush was evident on her face. Probably embarrassed by her previous actions.

“Snow White,” I spoke with amused authority. ''Are you sneaking into my room again? Or have you had another nightmare? Want me to cuddle you to sleep again?”

“S-shut up! It really is morning this time!”

You know, I wouldn't have believed her if it weren't for our early call times everyday. But I couldn't complain, we were mostly on the battlefield and we rarely got any breaks from the UHF(United Forces of Humanity). Humanity needed us, and we answer the call.

And today was like any ordinary day.

“Alright, alright. I'm up.” I chuckled slightly, getting up from my bed and started doing some arm stretches. Snow white, however, was still giving me her pouty looks.

"You're just like Red Hood," she retorted sharply, turning away from me and crossing her arms.

“Oh well, that's what makes us a fun duo.” I chuckled again, now fully standing up as I made my way towards a mirror. “I suspect you're not only here just to wake me up?”

“W-well yeah, of course.” She muttered, sighing before speaking again. “How's your arm doing? You didn't come to my room yesterday, so I wasn't able to do a quick maintenance check on it.”

Ah yes, my arm... The one I had lost, the very arm for which I was renowned among other humans. When I joined my brother's squad all those years ago, Snow White had been tending to my robotic limb ever since, even making a few minor upgrades. Yet, I couldn't help but be a bit reckless with it. occasionally either pushing it to its limits or accidentally damaging it.

“Don't worry, I didn't break it this time.” I looked over my shoulder and smiled. “Just a few minor scrapes from yesterday's battle with the raptures.”

However, Snow White seemed skeptical, narrowing her eyes at me as if she didn't quite believe what I was saying. "Are you sure?" she asked.

I sighed and shook my head, a smile playing on my lips as I donned my full Captain's uniform and adjusted my beret. "I can never take you seriously with that expression of yours, Snow. It's just too adorable," I remarked affectionately.

“I am not cute. I'm dangerous!”

“Keep telling yourself that Snow. And who knows? Maybe one day you will be the most dangerous Nikke the world has ever seen.”

“.... Really? That's scary. I-i don't want to be too dangerous.”

Leaving the conversation at that, I grabbed my lever-action rifle resting against the side of the door. It was a personal weapon that had been through thick and thin with me over the years. Which Snow White had personally upgraded it to better combat the cyber fuckers that nearly decimated humanity.

 Which Snow White had personally upgraded it to better combat the cyber fuckers that nearly decimated humanity

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“We may never know, Snow.” I said, flip reloading my empty rifle before resting it on my shoulder. “After all, the future can be quite surprising. Y’know?”

Snow white smiled and simply nodded my way as I gestured for the door outside. The look of determination flashing in her eyes. “Fight until our last breath.”

I smiled softly at her and muttered out the rest of the phrase.

“.... For all of mankind.”

I am Lawrence, the first and last Captain to stride forth, yet another beacon of hope amidst humanity's darkest hour. The first ever human to battle against the opposing raptures. With a band of courageous steel souls, Me, The Commander, and the rest of the Goddess Squad, embody that last flicker of hope. destined to turn the tides of war against the relentless threat of Raptures. Together, we stand as guardians, champions of humanity's resilience, determined to illuminate the path to victory against all odds.

And this… is my story.

 04 - 25 - 2180 {Present Time}




 03 - 18 - 2170 {10 years ago}

And it starts… here.

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