Blame It on the Alcohol

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'Like that's going to stop anyone Brit.' Nessa said added, now wanting to go to the party.

'Precisely. And I am aware of how much fun alcohol is.' Santana told her, getting agreement from Zach and Nessa.

'Let's ask Puckerman.' Zach told her, hoping he could score the group some alcohol.

'You're go for Puck.'

'Noah, it's Santittany, Artcedes and Zessa. Can your friend score us some wine coolers?' Santana asked the boy who now joined the call.

'No, but his I.D. Can.' Puck replied.

'Well, if we're all in, it's settled. The Rachel Berry house party train wreck extravaganza is officially a go.' Mercedes explained to the group as they all met up in the hallway.

'She better have karaoke.' Nessa added, kind of excited for the party.



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THE CLUB WENT ALONG TO THE PARTY. Nessa expected better, however it was a Rachel Berry party. Some weird calming music was playing and the club were not enjoying themselves. Luckily for Zach and Nessa, Tina and Mike allowed them to join in on the dinner reservations.

'Welcome. Kurt. Blaine. I wasn't expecting you guys.' Rachel greeted her new arrivals, only expecting Finn.

'I'm totally off the clock right now, Rachel.
I'm not a Warbler. I'm just Blaine. I'm not even wearing my uniform.' Blaine explained to the girl as Nessa came over to greet him.

'You're welcome you join in on some dinner reservations, because the party has been no fun.' Nessa whispered to her brother, before pulling him over to Zach.

'So, this is your dad's' Oscar room.' Kurt asked Rachel, looking over to see the rest of the Glee club bored.

'Yes. They transformed our ordinary basement... for our famous annual Oscar parties.' She explained to him.

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