𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐭 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭 {𝟐}

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It's fair to say that Shells Town was big for a town, and Caspian was a firm believer that it could be classed as a city, not a town. Even though he left at the ass crack of dawn for work, it's the same old story everyday, he once again finds himself rushing across town, dodging horses drawing carts of crops and elderly people out shopping for early morning peaches.

Sweat built on his brow line as he drew short, sharp breaths, diving across a street in wide sprints, bag slamming against his rapidly moving body. He eyed the large clock tower as he burst into the town centre, 8:07am, one word flitted through his mind "Shit." Caspian was seven minutes late. I know that doesn't sound like a lot, but that meant he was going to get crap from Rika's mother, and that's never fun. That woman can be loud when she wants to be.

He was moving so fast that everything seemed like a blur. When Caspian weaved in and out of the pillorys that held people caught for thieving, it was two late when a person came into his line of vision and he slammed into them, making Caspian and the stranger clunk heads and fall to the ground with a loud thump.

"Ouch-" Caspian heard the stranger groan as Caspian clutched his own head in pain, ears ringing.
He waited for the ringing to stop and then looked up to see who he had crashed into. A young boy with pink hair and round purple glasses met Caspian's gaze. Caspian scrambled to his feet and started babbling "I'm sorry- I'm so, so, sorry! I'm late for my shift and I wasn't looking where I was going." Caspian offered his hand to the pink haired boy, when he took it, Caspian pulled him off the dusty floor.

"I'm sorry!" The pink haired boy panicked when he was back on his feet "I should've moved out of the way. I was distracted..." He trailed off.
"No, no, please. It was my fault." Caspian protested, dusting himself off. "I was moving way to fast." Caspian glanced up at the clock again, 8:09am.
"Koby!" Caspian heard another voice shout, pulling him from panicking about missing his shift before he could start. Koby, that must be the guy he bumped into.

"Koby, are you coming?" The voice was heard again. Caspian turned his head towards the source of the sound to see a boy in a straw hat, with curly hair, a bright smile, and a red button vest shirt. The boy in the straw hat advanced towards them enthusiastically and then pointed a finger at Caspian. "Who's your friend?" The boy in the straw hat asked Koby.
"Um..." Koby looked back at Caspian "This is..."
"Reed Caspian." Caspian told them with a small smile.
"I'm Monkey D. Luffy!" The boy, Luffy, grinned, holding out a hand for Caspian to shake which he took.

"You live in this town?" Luffy asked Caspian, to which Caspian nodded. "Do you know where we can get some food?" Luffy continued to question.
Caspian brightened at the question "Yes! Yes I do. I work at the local tavern, they serve food, and I'm on my way to my shift right now, you wanna come with?" Luffy nodded rapidly at Caspian's answer and gestured for Koby to follow him as Caspian showed them to The Sea Current.


Caspian's led the two younger boys through the front door and found them an empty table near the bar, dropping two menus on the wooden surface. "Just sit down here, I'll be back to take your order once the owner of the taverns sister gives me an earful for being fifteen minutes late." Caspian sighed with a weak grin pulling at his lips. Luffy waved as Caspian walked away from their table, going behind the bar, fishing his folded apron out from one of the shelves and putting it on over his head, tying it in the back.

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