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note: I will always put a warning in the beginning of each chapter. First story, first experience, your review and opinion is important to me. I plan to post every Friday at 8 am (Europe time), my schedule might change sometimes. Enjoy yourself :)

warning: gun, swearing, car crash

From the passenger side, the gun was held by a man brimming with fury, its barrel nearly grazing his son's forehead. From the other side, the tear-filled eyes locked in a petrified stare of Tyler, staring at the barrel of the weapon and his dad's own enraged ones. The car was racing at its maximum speed. Diane, his sister, inconsolable, crying her heart out begging her father to not shoot her brother, an unknown man was driving the car, telling the father to get his work done quickly before anybody would catch them. Tyler was about to pass out before his dad even shot him. He felt dizzy and overwhelmed from all the shouts, the unbearable heat made him fight waves of nausea, his eyes caught sight of a truck losing its balance, making the cargo truck fall and slide on the ground behind his father. The driver screamed a cuss that had everyone pay attention to careening out of control and hurtling towards them. Panic seized everyone as Tyler took Diane in his arms trying to protect her while she screamed at the top of her lungs to stop the vehicle. The driver, however, had no time to react, and the impact was inevitable.

Distant voices were heard, the lights were flashing his yet blurred vision. Slowly like a dim flickering to life, awareness trickled back into consciousness. The scent of disinfectant filled his nostrils, and the constant but steady beeping of machines provided a disorienting backdrop. His eyelids fluttered open, finally revealing the harsh glare of sterile hospital lights. Confusion swept through him as he tried to piece together fragments in theory, but the last thing he recalled was the chaos of the accident. As his mind began to clear, he lifted his head to analyze the room, he realized he was in a hospital room.

The low hum of activity surrounded him, and the rhythmic beeping of the heart monitor underscored the reality of his situation. Turning his head, he saw a figure seated beside his bed, their features etched with relief and concern. It was then that he understood the gravity of what had transpired.

"Oh my gosh, Ty!" Diane got startled by the event, she quickly stood from the small sofa and pushed a button to call the nurses and approached his brother and took his hand, she was touched and reassured.

Chapter 1: 03.08

Fragments Of Hopeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن