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The sound of the Alarm woke Bible up from his sleep

Bible reached for the Alarm to dismiss it. He sat up and did all of his morning routines

After he all of his morning routine and things he do in the morning he took a shower
Change his outfit into something casual as usual getting ready for his meetings


"To the office Vin" Bible said as he sat in the backseat Vin only nodded and started the engine and drove away

Bible reached his destination the people in the entrance greeted him. Bible headed to the elavator and entered he press 7th floor its where his temporary office located at.

As he entered his office a pile of files was dump into his  desk

"Who  the fuck out this shit here?" Bible said and let out a big sigh he look around his office he didnt like it because the colors are too light he is not use to it. He called one of his  bodyguard to change his office

And he left his office, he is in some café where it is peace there are few people but they're working but he didnt care

As Bible was reading his book his phone vibrated he took his phone out a smile was formed into his face looking at the message his Darling just sent him

"Morning, did you slept well?"
Biu texted

"No, i woke up and you're not in my side "
Bible texted back

"Sucks, how's your office??"

"I hate it the colors are too vibrant"
"Pick a color for me"
Bible smiled after he sent that text

"Really?, you sure?"
Biu texted back


It took a while for build to text back

Bible is tapping his table whaiting for his reply


"Black and Dark blue?, how's that sound ?, too light?"

Bible think of a moment black and blue sounds good

"sound  great such a good picker "


Bible smiled at builds last text

Bible dialed his bodyguards number

Said on the other line

"I want you too color the office black and Dark blue not too dark i want it modern styled" Bible said

"Yes sir "


Bible looked at the time he realize he still have a meeting with the other clans

Time skip *(I ran out of ideas)

"Thanks for the approval Mr. Sumettikul "
The head of Auilio Clan said. Bible nodded and they shakes their hands

After the meeting bible went straight to his hotel room to take a rest

"Shit my back hurts " he groaned as he got inside he throw his bag and losses up his neck tie he headed straight to the shower with his phone he want to call his Darling.

Bible got in the tub

He dialed Builds number and whaited for him to pick it up

"Hello?" Build said on   the other line

"Hi Darling i miss you" Bible said in a raspy voice Damn he is damn well tired

"Really?, what are you doing?" Build asked and chuckled

Bible heard that chuckle and it melted his insides Damn how did he do that

"I'm taking a bath"

Build couldn't speak for a moment what a surprise well atleast they're not doing a video call because it would be more embarrassing for him

"You?"bible said and chuckle thinking Build was stunned

"Uhm. Eating, it's almost 9"

"That's good eat well okay dont skip meals "

"Yes sir"

Both chuckled

"Go back to take a bath and then rest" build said

"I dont want to hang up yet. Stay for a while " Bible  said in  sweet tone
Build laugh at his tone it his first time hearing that time coming from  a cold man


"Nothing its funny hearing you using that tone " Build said as he calm himself not to   laugh to hard or he will choke his food

When Bible heard that laugh he couldn't help but laugh too it sound like a voicemail that is on loop he swear into himself that he will hear that laugh forever

MY BOSS MY LIFETIME DAYLIGHTWhere stories live. Discover now