Ch 1 It Begins Where It Ends

15 1 0

"___" : Dialogues

Italic : Thoughts

(Name)'s POV

"(Name)-chan, can you please pay for today too...Pretty please...We promise to pay you back later, don't you worry about that." Smiling brightly with sickly sweet voice, my so-called bestfriend, Sabrina Park repeated the same, old lines which I have heard (for what?) million times already.

Seriously, how much sugar does she eat a day to keep going with such sugary voice and smile. Thinking with disgust, I simply replied with "Yeah, whatever." while restraining to roll my eyes.

My other 'friend', who is also a rich brat but always choose to watch others (which is certainly me) pay for her, jumping with delight, with another fake kind smile said," Thanks (Name). You know, I would love to pay but I lost my VIP card couple of days ago. Of course, its not a big deal but to get a new one I would have to wait."

I also tried to smile (and congratulations, I succeeded!) and replied with, "No, its no biggie." I don't know why they try to hide the fact that obviously they are using me. Sighing, I reached the counter and paid for everything we (actually they) ordered while giving a tired but genuine smile. Or maybe a genuinely tired smile.

Chuckling to myself at my own lame joke, I smiled bye to the cashier, receiving a "Come back soon." from her, I walked out of the café without acknowledging my 'friends'.

Honestly, I don't even own why I'm even friends with. Maybe because I don't have any others and I am not good in making new ones. Or maybe I have become attached to them even though they're fake, I'm not. I met them when I was around 14 or 15, since then we became inseparable. At first, they were very nice (I believe, but who knows since I was really gullible when I was younger). Later, I accidently found out they were backbiting me few months ago and I lost my whole trust over them. It was then that I started realizing their real behavior towards me.

I didn't crying over it and surprisingly it didn't hurt as much I thought it would.

I don't have a bad life in particular. I am orphan, yes. But I lost them when I was only few months old so I don't remember them. Since then, I have been living with my aunt and her daughter. They don't particularly dislike me, but...don't like me either. But I am not complaining, you know. I appreciate everything that god has given me and am satisfied.

Its because I spend most of time either working or watching anime so I don't have any time to worry about these petty things.

Yes, you heard it right. I ABSOLUTELY love anime! Even though I am an adult and it might seem waste of time to others. But in reality, it is NOT. I think I have already devoted my whole life to it.

I have watched more than 150 of them. But currently, my most favourite is none other than Tokyo revengers. An unconscious smile appears on my face while thinking about it. I wish I had a life like that. It sure is heartbreaking and the characters had a life full of struggles. But that kind of life has its own taste, if the ending is fine.

My precious thoughts of Tokyo revengers were interrupted by a very loud sound of an engine of a vehicle. I was surprised realizing that I have already reached the street which I always use as a shortcut to reach my apartment in which I started living on my own the moment I turned 18.

The sound was getting closer and closer and I frowned I was getting goosebumps from it. It has never happened before.

The moment I thought that, I realized with horror that two of the newborn puppies which I liked playing with whenever I walked back home since they were born (only a couple of weeks old), were in the middle of the road playing with themselves, not knowing the dangers of their actions.

I knew that the fast vehicle (which happened to be a car) was coming in the same direction. Who in the right mind drives a car this fast on streets?? I thought furiously. Before I could think, my legs having a mind of their own, ran towards those puppies (Damn, I haven't even named them yet). Grabbing those two, I tried to move forward but soon acknowledged the fact that I don't have any time now.

Quickly but gently, throwing those two towards other puppies. Woah, is my life a movie or something...So dramatic. While thinking to myself, I felt pain overtaking my whole body as soon as the car hit me.

The next thing I knew, I started losing my conscious as faded sounds of screams and yells could be heard for few seconds.

I guess its the end. But no one would really miss me. I realized it as I felt few drops of my own tears on my cheek.

Then I fully lost my conscious.

Words: 844

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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