Chapter 10

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Michelle broke the hug and look down but to her surprise Anntonia lifted her head and look at her with a calm face.
"I'm sorry the other night, I didn't mean to hide it from you that I don't know you at all. It's just, I'm too shy you know." she said
"It's okay Anntonia" she answered plainly
"A-are you m-mad at m-me?" she asks nervously and this time she's the one who's looking down now
"Hey, look ate me" Michelle called her calmly
Anntonia lifted her head and look at Michelle who's already giving her a smile. When she smiles her eyes are turning into a crescent shape like a moon. "It fine, okay? And besides you helped me treat my wound and gave me your edible food" she said playfully
"Oh my gosh. You're unbelievable" she rolled her eyes " I was on the verge of crying and having my moment but you ruin it" gosh woman
"You're being dramatic shorty" She teased
"Hey! I told you not to call me that" rolling her eyes again
"Fine fine. But in all honesty, I did not expect to meet you like this. I was having a hard time back then, not because of my situation but for you. You lost your mom at such a young age, I just can't imagine if the same thing has happened to me."she said with teary eyes
"Shhh. it's okay. I'm fine and have grown up really fine" she wipes the tears away from Michelle's cheek
"I had a lot of chances to go near you but I was afraid that you'll push me away and hates me more. I saw you that night, when I went to the police station for investigation, I saw you looking at me and you just ran away while whipping your tears. That when I thought to myself that you probably hates me for killing your mother." she cried
"H-hey. Its not you okay? How come did you think that it was you who drove that motorcycle? Papa and the police told me everything and even showed me the CCTV footage of the accident. Though I hated to watched that video but I had to see it for myself. And I was so relieved to see that its not you. It's really a different person and the hair and the height doesn't match at all." she chuckles
"But I still feel bad because I was driving the same time and I was also over speading" she admitted
"Why?" Anntonia asked
"Because my mom called me that night and she was crying so hard"
"What happened to her?"
"Because Grandpa told her that if I don't fix my life, I won't inherit anything," he said
"Is that so?"
"Yes, that's why when I graduated from college, He was very happy and i immediately inherited a car." she laughed and finally calmed down "Grandpa loves me but I don't get him sometimes"
"And how is your relationship with him now?" Anntonia asked her
"We are okay so far,as long as I will follow his orders"
"I'm happy for you Michelle"
"Thank you Anntonia and I'm glad that were both okay now" she smiled

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