suspicion and confusion

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Macau's pov

"Macau Porschay dinners ready and can one of you get Venice" I hears my hia shout. "Sure" Porschay shouted back before going to get Venice.
Meanwhile I went straight to the dining room where I saw hia and P'pete whispering to eachother but then they separated when I came in. I smiled at them right when porchay walked in with vegas.

My hia made a little noise before turning to porschay to talk to him. " by the way Porschay kinn wanted to know if your free tomorrow"
"I think so P' why"

"Something about wanted to get to spend time with his future brother in law. Don't know sometimes I like to tune him out. He smirked

I decided to make a little joke. "Maybe he wants your blessing to propose to porsche, I giggled while nudging my boyfriend.

"Cauuu" he whined. Then I heard p'pete mutter something about him being the very first to know if porsche said yes.

"Well now what will I do without you Tomorrow" I whined while clinging onto him.
It's just one day you'll live" my hia remarks.
I looked at p'pete "what are you going to do p'". he replied by saying he had to hang out with tankhun tomorrow or else the house will burn down. I laugh.

The next day

I was going with porschay to drop him off at the main family compound, after he went inside I saw tankhun and his two bodyguard leaving but I was confused when I didn't see p'pete near them.

"Tankhun" I greeted

"Oh its you, what u doing here".

"Came to drop off my boyfriend...
"um p'pete isn't with you"

He scrunched his face then said nope and went on to say that he only demands p'pete to come to him when 1.its movie/series night 2.for him to see Venice and 3. To go to the bar.

"Huh interesting" "thanks p'"

Tankhun made a little grunt then left to do whatever he was doing leaving me to wonder why did p'pete lied.

After that encounter I came back home where I ran into p'pete and I saw him quickly hiding something.

"Oh your back early" he smiled.

"Yeaa can't really do much without Porschay anyway I will go play video games now"

"OK then I will call you for dinner later" then he rushed off. What is happening, is he planning on leaving?.

pete adopting Macau Where stories live. Discover now