Chapter Five: Meeting the Brothers

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♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ Eleanor's Pov ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

While walking down the hallway of the frat to try and find the bathroom, I hesitantly open a door and thankfully it's the right one. I would have disintegrated into the floor if I walked in on people doing it. My hair is a mess and my cheeks are flushed. I use some water to fix it up as the door opens bumping into my side, "Oh shit. My bad," the guy mumbles.

"You're good. I'm done anyways," I tell him looking at him through the mirror, "You must be Chris," I state as he walks further into the bathroom.

"You and your roommate love to assume things," he says, "I'm Matt and you're the other loud neighbor," he adds when he sees the confused look on my face.

"One time and you're branded for life," I joke as I go to walk out, "Oh by the way have you seen Kaci?" I ask.

"I think she left but she said she would text you before she left so I would check to be sure," he says. I lean against the sink and pull my phone out trying to ignore the hickey mystery guy left on my neck. Dude was a vampire.

Kanada Dry:
Hey I made it back to the dorm safely
Can't wait to hear about the guy

Ella Enchanted:
I just met Matt. He seemed cool and the guy was eh. Nothing to get excited about

I look at Matt and he's just standing in the bathroom making me widen my eyes, "oh shit, I should leave," I tell him as he laughs.

"I was just coming in here to get a break," he says trailing off before I nod my head understanding, "Nick was telling me you're an environmental science major. That's so cool. I was thinking of studying something similar but I'm more of a film guy myself," he says as I squint my eyes.

"That's Kaci. I'm the graphic designer," I say with an awkward laugh, "But it is cool. Kaci always tells me some fun facts about the planet and it makes me regret using so much plastic," I smile. There's a knock at the door before he can respond and we both just open the door and walk out to let people use the bathroom for its intended purpose.

"Finally. I was looking for you," Nick says making me jump as he walks out of a room to the right, "You've met Matt. In a bathroom?" He questions as I turn my head seeing him silently laughing,

"Weirdly, yes," I say sounding more like a question than an answer, "What's up?" I ask turning back to him.

"We haven't been together all night and I am determined to know what kind of partier you are," he says taking my arm and leading me away from Matt. I turn around and see him shaking his head at his brother's actions. Nick seems like the type of guy who makes sure everyone is included and I love that. When I turned back around I was in front of their other brother, "Christopher, what do you want?" He asks as he sips from his red solo cup.

"Is this the other loud neighbor?" He asks. I watch his eyes trail over my body making me straighten my posture.

"You must be the frat boy," I smile narrowing my eyes, "I'm guessing you won with tonight's turnout," I point out as I start walking away with Nick pulling on my arm.

"I guess I'll have to thank you for coming then," he says with a smirk that makes my heart beat a little faster. When Nick and I get to the kitchen I can't help but wish that Chris was with us still. He's cute but the vibes I get from him are a little worrying. 

Nick shakes his head as if he's been scarred, "I'm going to ignore the obvious flirting that was going on 'cause ew," he says grabbing two cups. Typical brother behavior. 

I glance around, "Where's Gray?" I ask leaning on the counter. He hands me the second cup and I take a sip immediately gagging, "What did you put in here the whole bottle?" I ask grabbing the mixer he used and dumping more into the cup.

"Gray is with his friends and I didn't want to intrude. So, I am forcing you to dance," he says. He looks at me like he means right now making me rush to down my drink. I grimace at the strong flavor and close my eyes knowing that was a big mistake.

"My legs are like jelly," I yell over the music as Nick hops around to the beat, "I'm going to sit down," I tell him. He sings the words to the song and yells as Grayson comes over. He takes over from my spot letting me escape to sit down. It's been two hours and I have drank way too much. My vision is blurry when I try to read my phone meaning it's time to drink some water.

"I'm surprised you're still here," Matt says as he sits down next to me. I close my eyes and lean back sinking into the couch.

A microphone is being tapped as the music quiets down making everyone look to the living room. Chris is standing on a table and looking around the room, "On behalf of the entire frat we would like to thank everyone for coming tonight," he says when his eyes land on mine. He winks at me and I can't hide the disgust on my face as Matt laughs. Beers are being passed out as he makes a speech about drinking and getting to know your peers.

"Is he always this....." I say before Matt cuts me off.

"Douchey?" He asks making me laugh. He nods his head as Chris makes his way over to Matt and me with another drink.

"I'd like to say I have rizz," he argues making me cringe. I pull my phone out to check the time and he sits down next to me. He holds his hand out and I stare at it for a second before handing my phone over.

When he handed it back moments later I saw he gave me his number and texted himself, "Did you seriously save your number as Rizztopher?" I ask making Matt lose it as he sips on his soda.

"Now I can text you the next time there's a party," He says making me blush at the way he said it, "I have to go make my rounds with the ladies, don't wait up," he says immediately killing the vibe.

"Rizztopher...." I repeat astonished, "That's not even clever," I grimace. I stand up off the couch when Nick calls my name from the door. Grayson has his arms wrapped around his drunk boyfriend making me smile.

"Nice to meet you, Matt," I smile, before walking away. He says a quick goodnight as I meet the guys at the door.

"Give me your phone," Nick says. I do as told and see him following everyone on Instagram. He hands it back and I shove my phone back in my pocket. I'm excited to insta stalk everyone later.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Grayson asks. I think about it and nod my head knowing it would have been more fun if Kaci stayed. When we get back to the apartment building, I wave to the guys as they get off on their floor. By the time I'm in bed and showered it's an hour later and almost three am. I open Instagram and go to each of the guy's pages. They are how you would think. I hover my finger over Chris's page and smile at the newest photo.

♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡♡ ♡ ♡ ♡

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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