"why you ain't let it be a fair school squabble?"

"bitch shut up ms wrench." looking at every door number while we walked down.

"you know i'm not just standing there"

"don't fight aryn." i said right away.

"if she try to break it up-"

"don'tttt" i cut binky off. "fight her"

approaching the target room door. "here" passing my phone back to her before banging on the door.

"come onnn! why you not answering the phone!"

banging banging banging

"kick it." binky suggested.

"somebody going to come." i raised my fist to knock again but the door pulled back.

"anari fuck is you on w-"

binky leaned up quickly yanking aryn over by her free forms literally sliding aryn out the room.

she started knocking aryn in the face with stiff upper cuts, of course getting aryn off her feet by now.

i mean i said don't fight her.

not really having time to fully react i stepped into the dark room, doing a quick look around i came to realize markia wasn't even here.

"binky come onn" i came back to the door. aryn just getting whooped in the hall.

I got in the middle of them, pushing binky off. "this don't got nothing to do with me bitch!"

soon as i got her off, aryn stole off on binky in the face.

"come onnn!" i dragged out, wherever binky got hit had blood leaking on my shirt.

"ima kill you bitch!" she yelled, still trying to get her issue. "don't text my sister bout' her having to catch anybody fade! catch them fades with me! dead homies! you finna get marked out!"

"shut up i got you leaking cuz!"

"you got a third eye bitch and a knot on crip! you talking about some blood!" binky made a face. "fuck thatt! i don't even bang them!"

it was easy as fuck moving her away because she was so small but i knew to hold them hands while i did. "binky they gonna call the police you doing all this in the hallway."

she pushed me off as soon we came back in the elevator, holding the bottom of her shirt up to her bloody nose. "i don't give a fuck anari, on my soul i don't care."


"now i need to smoke" binky held her eyes tightly closed, head to the ceiling squeezing her nose. "bitch!"

"well markia wasn't there" i shrugged jokingly binky sucking her teeth.

"if you wasn't holding me she would've never hit me."

"i let y'all run it in the hallway for a good minute before i broke it up. you got the best of aryn, don't put nothing on me when i didn't even want ya'll fighting in the first place."

really idk why i even thought to come over here to the motel, would've killed them hoes in that room if it came to be.

"that little boy couldn't get up with me. when i got her on the floor she kept blocking her face so i couldn't sleep her"

"this a mess"
we came out the side exit door this time "you always gotta do something psychotic."

"should've never called your fade for her bitch. now she going have to see me again, i need my rounds."

"you bitches are crazyyyy" i got my laughs out, pulling the car door out. everything replaying in my head again.

"that's your bestie."

"bestie in love." i shook my head.

"bestie got slid and tried to take my nose with her." binky moved her shirt from her nose, pulling out. "now bestie about to die."

"don't kill bestie."

"bruhhh" she started banging her fist into the wheel at the light.

"....." i side eyed her, thanking god our destination wasn't too far away.

"my nose is throbbingg"

"that's how my eye was when niy hit me." turning into the gas station "it's okay sister we both need to go into recovery."

"if i don't get my issue by tomorrow the momma gonna feel it." pulling in front.

right when i pushed the door out to get some woods quick, max facetimed me. "huh,huh" i passed my phone over to binky before getting out.

this is why you gotta tread lightly with binky. bitch done messed up the whole friendship dynamic in 3.1.

walking in the gas station with the door bell following, it was already hella people in here.

all these people to witness me get asked for id🙄

snatching a beef jerky stick up on the way down the chip isle. a nigga was coming down the opposite way so i moved over, fixing to grab some barbecue pringles at my feet.

"you ain't have to move shawty'."

furrowing my eyebrows hearing the different accent, i looked back over my shoulder.

the dude minding his business slightly beside me, looking over the chips.

not realizing i was staring for awhile, when he looked over after a minute our eyes locking woke me up. turning my head back forward, i took a breath in feeling myself getting stared  back at now.

walking away, a couple of words stopped me in my tracks "don't move from me now, fine ass"

i have a boyfriend wanted to come out so bad but it didn't.

i shook my head smiling a little, just deciding to move along.

"and you got the blue braces?."

"kp man leave her ass alone" another boy in the store said watching me come up in line.

"he always do this?" i asked, laughing.

"naww iont' always do nun, what you tammat'?. you know what it was when i came past you."

"you country as fuck" my laughter grew, stepping up in line.

"you pretty as fuck" kp responded, swiping his tongue over his lips briefly sizing me. "......"

had to force myself to look away from him. "get my woods for me."

"aight. you bang?"

"of course, you?"

kp dropped neighborhood, flashing me a perfect smile. "we gone get along well then."

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