Part 1: A Time for Every Purpose, Chapter 1

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It was said that Leia Organa, the last High Princess of the murdered Royal Court of the erstwhile Alderaan, looked like her mother.

It was true enough. Most who voiced that opinion, though, were those who saw Breha Organa's dark beauty and nobility in her narrow features. They recognized the formidable stare that she had cultivated in the service of the Senate.

Those who had known her simply as Leia before the surname of Organa was granted to her knew that she looked instead like the woman who gave birth to her. They also knew exactly how dangerous the resemblance was.

When she had been held by the Empire and challenged Lord Vader's ability to break any mind, they feared that he would see enough of Padme Amidala in there that he would recognize her as his own. Instead, he was too distracted by the power to resist him that she had inherited from her Jedi father to care about what ghost she brought to mind.

That distraction had cost the Galaxy one of its Core worlds and cost Leia Organa, nee Leia Skywalker, any compassion she had ever harbored for the man who called himself Vader.

So instead, it was the report of a farmboy pilot by the name of Luke Skywalker that turned Vader's thoughts to a hunt for his child. No person could discern the mind of the Dark Lord, but they knew that his initial reaction killed four men. His search for young Skywalker had been claiming lives in the five months since that moment.

His intention was made clear when he had the opportunity to eliminate the enemy with his name and spared his life. Vader needed no corpse, but an apprentice. Skywalker was too valuable an asset to turn against the Alliance.

It was that fact, then, that compelled the last Alderaanian who would dare to speak of their lies to action.


"The High Command will see you now."

It was unusual for Leia to return to the convocation. She had chosen the path of a warrior with a few reservations, but fewer doubts, only months after the destruction of Alderaan. While Mon Mothma had attempted to draw her over to what Bail had jokingly called the "Diplomatic Dark Side," Leia had stubbornly resisted the woman's urge to keep her out of the ranks of the Alliance.

As a result, she only was summoned here when they required special services of her. What those services might be today was unclear, especially given the secrecy of the summons.

Standing, she smoothed the travel wrinkles from her slacks and followed the Lieutenant into the conference room. Immediately, her eyes sought out Rieekan. His facial expression tended to be the gauge of how severe the situation was.

The fact that he would not meet her gaze sent her confidence in the matter straight to all five Alderaanian hells.

Nevertheless, she bowed formally, then stood at attention in anticipation of further instructions.

"Leia, thank you for coming," Mon Mothma greeted. "Would you be seated?"

She settled into the chair with her back straight and her eyes on Mon Mothma. The older woman regarded her carefully, and then glanced at Rieekan as if asking for clarification.

"You seem apprehensive," Mon Mothma observed.

"I am willing to serve," Leia said flatly. "My feelings about the mission are irrelevant."

Rieekan nodded in seeming confirmation and Mon Mothma returned her gaze to Leia. "That is good to hear," she conceded.

"What do you require of me?" Leia asked with the same formal tones. "You didn't call me here to comment on my loyalties."

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