washed away trauma 3.0

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It was night afther a heist all the boys wanted to celebrate the amazing heist they pulled off. Micky brouth up the idea of drinking and a game night some poker or black jack maybe.

Eveyone agreed expect for yuno he just sat in the middle seat quiet he didnt wanna ruin the moment for eveyone but he really hated being close to people when they were drunk.

It reminds him of his dad when he was little, his dad was a alcoholic he would hit and yell at yuno and his sister ray it caused them both trauma that they never really talked about. But both knew it had messed them up a bit

As yuno sat quietly in the car with raymond to his right tony on his left micky in the passenger seat and lang driveing he started zoneing out. He was thinking back to his dad and they way he and ray would hide in there closet yuno alway felt bad he couldn't do more for ray when they were younger.

Once they got to the gas station they all got off and bought some food and drinks. Yuno only bought 4 drinks and some food but as he looked around he saw the boys had alot of drinks beer, vodka, tequila he started getting nervous. Yuno pays for his things and went back to the car to wait for the boys.

Once they all got in the car micky looked at yunos bag to see what he bought

" yuno you barely got any drinks that's not enough for tonight you can have some of mine to" micky told yuno
" oh it's fine micky you paid for you're things it was probably really expensive you should drink them " yuno replied to micky
" nothings expensive when it comes to my boys" micky said with a wink

Yuno had a light blush on his face of course it was just because micky was teasing him micky loved teasing the boys.

Yuno blushed a bit and looked away with a akward chuckle he didnt mind micky flirting with him. All the boys were in a non official relationship.

"Micky it's ok I dont really feel like drinking much tonight" yuno said looking at his phone hopeing to change the subject
" alright I respect that yuno"micky responded looking back out his window

Once they got to the clan manor tony started cooking and raymond helped. There was alot of flirting while they cooked but the food did eventually get made. They started drinking and yuno decided to stay away from the kitchen for a while. Micky had started drinking on the car ride back so he was already drunk and sat in the liveing room with lang watching a basketball game. It was more lang watching as he opend a bottle of vodka and and micky talking about random things while he walked around lang or laid next to him on the couch.

Yuno grabed his laptop and sat at the meeting table, he had a open beer bottle next to him wich he opend but didnt drink. Yuno wanted to drink it and join the boys but he couldn't bring myself to do it afther the way his dad acted while drunk.

He kept glancing towards the seating area were micky and lang were as he saw them drinking and haveing fun they had called him over a few times but yuno always said [I got a bit of work to do just trying to figure out some hacks or if theres any new things,] and eveytime yuno regretted saying that. he didnt actually have work to do he was just to nervous to be over there.

Yuno thought for a couple of minutes

[the boys wont hurt me they aren't like that there not my dad they haven't ever laid a finger on me in a harmful way.] He finally convinced himself to go over there and when he sat down he sat on the corner edge of the couch.

Eveyone was eating and drinking talking alot but lang was staring at yuno alot. It made yuno uncomfortable but he chose to ignore it for a bit.

"Yuno..." lang said drunkly
Lang got up and walked towards yuno.

Yuno felt his heart stop for a second what if he was wrong maybe mr lang is drunk and is going to hurt him. Lang grabed yuno and pulled him so his legs were on the couch and his body was facing the middle of the couch.

Lang them laid between yunos legs and hugged him.

"Yuno with out you we wouldn't were we are today... I love you and really appreciate you."lang said drunk as he looked up at yuno from were he laid hugging him.

Tony and raymond joined the hug and micky was so drunk he tryed joining but fell so tony had to pick him up and bring him to them.

At that moment yuno knew he was safe with his real family.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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