Part 5 - Déjà Vu

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Teresa got out of the cab and realized the driver was still holding out his hand with her change in it. She had not noticed the drive to the airport, the flight, or the drive to the Madagascar offices. It all felt like a blur.

She had not been formally introduced to the lawyer the Swiss bank had assigned to the deal, but it didn't stop her to find Alina Alicante's office in less than 10 minutes.

Teresa found herself walking in with a determined stride even before the secretary had announced her arrival.

Alina Alicante was a beautiful woman, with precise features, big blue eyes, and dark wavy hair, who stood up from her desk the moment Teresa walked in.

Once the door had been closed, she said with a nice tone: "Mrs. Valdez, finally having the pleasure to meet you!"
Despite trying for a while, Teresa had not been able to figure out what she would tell the woman once she confronted her, so she said the thing that came to her mind: "I wish I could say the same thing. What is your relationship with my husband?"

She had been called 'a straight shooter' before by former associates, but now even she got startled at the brusqueness of her voice.

A shadow past over Alina's face and she inhaled deeply before saying in a regretful tone: "I guess you have heard!"

"I want You to tell me!' Teresa said coldly.

Alina's brain was spinning. Evidently the set up had worked, and Blondie had seen them kiss and had reported to her friend. Carlos had wanted her to make James unsettle Mendoza, but Alina had an opportunity to stick the imaginary knife herself and as she wanted to be in Carlos' good graces, she wouldn't miss it for the world. Besides she did fancy James Valdez and his absolute reaction this morning had hurt her feelings. There had been no faltering, no hesitation in his refusal! And Alina was sure he liked her. Men liked her. Always!

"We have been working closely since I was sent from Zurich...One thing led to another..." Alina tried to control her voice. It needed to sound a little regretful, but still thrilled by her 'thing' with James.

"How long?" Mendoza's voice was ice cold.

"A week only...I'm sorry...He is...ahh..." And as Alina was preparing to say, 'a remarkable man', Teresa Mendoza turned briskly on her heel and walked out.


As Teresa slid the key card over the electronic panel on the door of the loft and walked in, she froze her in her tracks.

Kelly Anne, face distorted, make up smeared down her cheeks, was skulking behind a couch, sobbing uncontrollably, while James and Pote, who had broken the coffee table were throwing punches at each other in the middle of the living room. Their faces were raw with blows and scrapes, their eyes flashing angrily at each other.

James's jaw was set tight with inscrutable resolve, while Pote's red gaze was marked by a fierce frown and grim stark severity. She had never seen the men so furious and so out of control.

Before she could say anything, Pote swung and as James moved swiftly, Pote missed him completely and threw himself off balance. James used the opportunity to drive his fist into Pote's solar plexus, just under the heart. Teresa yelled at him to stop it as Pote doubled over, winded and helpless. But somehow his knees locked stiffly, and his legs didn't fold.

Just then James grabbed a patch of his hair and pulled it up to force him to raise his head. Then he pulled his right fist back at shoulder height, hesitated in the precision of his aim for a long second, and then rammed his fist into Pote's jaw. His eyes were full of anger distorting his face.

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