Chapter 4:

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                                      ─── ⋆⋅A single tear⋅⋆ ──

The night was cold, quiet and the atmosphere was, well, corrupted. It didn't bother shadow milk cookie, as he was used to the corruption of the abyss, as it used to be his home, and still kinda is. Shadow milk cookie walks back home, skipping, he noticed that it was a little too quiet, where were the sounds of fire, destruction? Where were the other beasts? He knew two of them were out of beast- yeast, he knew burning spice went to his chambers, what about eternal sugar?

Shadow milk cookie then remembered his two cookies and how eternal sugar was supposed to watch them. He lets out a silent sigh of relief, and continues skipping happily to his little library/home and feels like this was a good night.

As he got to the library, it was unbelievably quiet, he shrugs it off and opens the door, it was dark, no lights, no sense of activity. Shadow milk cookie calls eternal sugar and the two cookies, his cheery voice echoes through the library. He was confused, his two cookies would run to him immediately when he called. He walks through the library, he noticed that eternal sugar presence wasn't there either. He saw something staring at him, he made eye contact with it and the lights flickered on, nothing to be seen but crumbles leading to the two little cookies heads hung on the wall, pieces of cookie sometimes crumbled off.

Shadow milk cookie looks in disbelief , his cheery attitude growing dark and even a little sad.

Wha...what?! How did this-?!

???: I'm sorry.. / a soft female voice says, it sounded like it was crying, but it got blocked out by the noise of someone running towards shadow milk/

Burning spice runs towards him and looks in shock, he looks at shadow milk cookie, who was actually crying, shadow milk cookie looks at his tears that fall on the floor crying..? nonono!! I'm a jester, im not supposed to cry!! Why!?..

burning spice cookie hugs him, not completely knowing what and why this happened. They leave the scene

Burning: we should get out of here, and...we'll tell the others

a few weeks later when they informed everyone on the matter, etheneral sugar was very upset, as she treated them like her own child, upset and in disbelief, she leaves.

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