Wedding Night

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He felt at unease.
During their nightly celebration, his husband had held his hand and not so discreetly led him down down the hall to which was most probably his private quarters, informally announcing the end of their midnight escapade although he was sure that the Death-eaters would drink till sunrise, celebrating their Lord's new "prize".

His husband had said nothing to acknowledge him as they walked down the winding corridors of his ancestral home but he felt his longing gaze set on him as if he was reminiscing about a time long past, in turn he had said nothing to acknowledge their newfound relationship.

However, the silence was broken with their arrival into "their" private chambers. The room in which they had set foot in was the epitome of Slytherin with minimal lighting and expensive 1920's vintage furniture. Black rose petals were showered upon the extravagant satin bed linens of the bed with a bottle Chateau Margaux 1787 placed elegantly on the bedside table.He believes that he would have appreciated the gesture if he was wedded to a person of his choosing, instead of his current predicament.

One thing he did not notice, however was the ever looming presence of a certain snake but once he did, it was too late. He could feel her approach and he braced himself, knowing that his husband would never harm his most trusted advisor but instead of being bites as he had rightfully expected, he was met with her petite head in his hand, as though I'm greeting.

"Greetings, I believe that you are my new masssterr, I have heard tales of your beauty and braveryy and with only a look at you, I am able to derieveee that it issss mossst certainly truee,"She hissed in greeting.

"How am I able to understand you...." He whispered to mostly himself but his murmurs were heard by the person beside him.

"Herpo the foul implemented a special curse into the language of the snakes so that the bonded partners of those who were privy to the inner workings of thelanguage would also learn it's secrets. This precaution was done so that the language would not just become a myth among the wizard and wixen of today." The Dark Lord explained.

"Ah thank Lord," Draco replied, unsure of how to respond.

"No need for such epithets, call me Tom," Tom informed as he took a hold of Draco'chin and Draco could not help but become more uncomfortable as the  prolonged contact went on.

"I will go bathe myself, then we may proceed on with the night," Tom said as he let go of Draco's chin although with much reluctance as though he was just waiting to devour him whole and Draco thanked Merlin for the small mercies that he granted him.

After the departure of Tom, he once again noticed the presence of Nagini who he had unintentionally ignored.

"I must take my leave as well. Just remember to not ask questions, he does not appreciate people questioning his integrity. We will meet in the morning my lady, I believe I will be seeing much of you now that you have been wedded to master." She hissed once more.

He was perplexed by her friendly behaviour, however he did not voice his concerns and instead thanked her for her words of advice and sent her on her way. Now that he was completely alone in the dimly-lit chambers he decided to pour himself a glass a glass of the Chateau Margaux 1787 to try and occupy his mind and distract himself from the inevitable.

He knew what was to happen, he was neither naive nor stupid and even if that was the case, the awkward conversation that his mother had subjected him to the previous day had made his husband's intentions quite clear. All he could do, according to his mother is to be quiet, to not complain and just to welcome his advances or he will take whatever he so desires by force.

He did not how much time had passed when his husband returned, wearing only a silk robe that exposed his front. Tom took a hold of the glass intertwined in between his fingers and took a sip, savouring the flavour.

After that, things began moving too quickly for him to process adequately. Before he knew it, Tom was positioned between his thighs, kissing him fervently.

In that moment, all he wanted to do was push that bastardly man away and run to his Mummy and Daddy's bed and tell them all about the scary monster but that is when he remembered that no amount of soft hugs from Mummy or reassurances from Daddy would save him now, so he followed the advice his mother had bestowed upon him and he submit to his advances.

That seemed to spur him on even more and he began removing the tie that held up his robe and let it unceremoniously drop to the ground while removing Draco's wedding attire with much more care and attention.

Draco felt himself drift from his mind as his clothes were stripped from his body and placed upon the nearby armchair. He felt as if though Merlin himself had come to take him far away while the man he was now forced to call "husband" took sick sadistic pleasure from his body.

"You look so beautiful like this, my darling Aenor," Voldemort growled as he took his mouth in a vicious kiss.

"Aenor.....who is this woman and why am I being called her name.." Draco thought dazedly, still merely a spectator of this sick torture he himself was being subjected to.

However, he was broken out of his stupor when Tom suddenly flipped him onto his stomach and tore off his underwear.

He was ashamed at exposing his genitals for the first time in front of someone but he knew that there was ultimately nothing that he could do so he forced his body to relax, bracing himself for the inevitable.

And it did come.

Without any prior warning or preparation, Tom thrust his cock into his already bruised entrance and he could not help but be dragged back into the moment and letting out a silent scream from the sheer pain which was mistaken to be one of pleasure.

He did not even let him have mere seconds to adjust and instead started thrusting at a brutal pace, effectively damaging his already hurt passageway to a further extent.

He could feel blood leak out of himself and onto satin bed sheets and he could not help but hate the feeling of blood in between his thighs and something akin to a small rod shoved up his arse.

With every torturous thrust, he let out sounds of pure pain which were mistaken to be ones of enjoyment. He bit his tongue to try and stop his involuntary noises and follow his mother's second advice, to be silent and bear the incoming onslaught for there was no other path in store for him.

He could feel his torture coming to an end soon as he felt Tom's thrusts become more frantic and his nails began to dig into his lower back which he was sure would leave ugly marks on his unmarred flesh.

After only a few minutes, he felt another sticky substance join the blood that was present in his rectum. From the corner of his eye he could see them mix and pool together and form a sickeningly pale pink liquid which made him want to retch after Tom had removed himself and let the substances drip onto the sheets.

Before Draco could position himself to be in a much more comfortable position, he felt Tom collapse onto him and take his lips into a brief kiss.

"Thank you for coming back to me, my darling Aenor," Tom murmured lovingly before rolling onto his side and falling into a deep slumber.

Right now he couldn't bother to care about the underlying mystery that was his marriage or that he had fornicated with the darkest wizard of current times. The stress and anxiety of the past week had caught up to him and he could feel himself being lulled into fitful sleep.

Yes, he could worry about such things at a later date.

Thank you for reading
Words=) 1413
Any advice or constructive criticism is appreciated.
Please be aware that English is my second language .

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