The Farm Village (Part 1)

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Basen arrived in the western capital three days after Maomao and the others. She waited by the entrance to the annex, feeling it would be polite to at least say hello to him.

When he appeared, however, she burst out, "What is that?" So much for the friendly greeting.

"What? This is Jofu."

"Jofu. As in 'duck'? I can see that. And it looks delicious."

Basen was covered in sand and dust, and perched on his shoulder, for reasons unknown, was a duck. A perfectly ordinary domestic duck, with white feathers and a yellow bill. The only distinctive thing about it was a single black spot on its beak.

"Oh-ho! A lovely gift you've brought me, I see! Sit back, dear younger brother-in-law, and let your sister handle dinner!" Chue was ready to grab the bird right off his shoulder.

"This duck isn't for food!" Basen said, stopping her in her tracks.

Oh yeah, they're in-laws, aren't they? Maomao thought. She got the impression Chue teased Basen a lot.

"If it's not food, then what is it? Your pet?" Chue asked.

The duck did seem noticeably attached to Basen—it held on to his head with its wings and preened his hair.

"I've been hatching ducks and distributing them to farming villages on the Moon Prince's orders. I was going to leave Jofu in one of the villages, but she's taken too much of a liking to me and won't leave."

"Oh, I see," said Chue. Seeing as Basen had given the duck a name, he was evidently taken with her as well. The duck, demonstrating her native intelligence, hopped down off Basen's shoulder and pooped on the ground. Smart.

"I have to go see the Moon Prince. Is there anyone who could take care of Jofu for me?"

"Ooh! I will!" Chue said, sticking her hand in the air.

"Is there anyone else?"

"Not sure I'd be much better," Maomao said. She was already drooling. I remember the duck En'en prepared back at Lahan's place. Boy, that was good. She didn't trust herself not to be bested by her own appetite. Maybe we could get the quack to take care of her?

No, no, there was someone even more appropriate.

"I know a farmer who would be perfect. I'll ask him," she said.

"A farmer? Wait, you have acquaintances in the western capital?"

"No, he was sent here from the central region."

Basen remained puzzled, but there wasn't much more Maomao could say. It was the truth. In any case, they could entrust the duck to Lahan's Brother.

Basen had been in the western capital two full days when Maomao finally got permission to tour a farming village.

"You could take your time, young lady. We've plenty of medicine still. No need to go rushing off to the fringes of a place we hardly know yet," said the quack doctor, who took her excuse entirely at face value. There had to be some reason, after all, for a court lady serving as a medical assistant to leave her post and go on an inspection tour.

"It's all right, sir. Who knows? I might even find some unknown drug."

That much was true. I-sei Province was home to different flora and fauna than Kaou. There was no telling what plants or animals she might encounter, and what their potential medicinal properties might be. Maomao was actually a bit excited—she hoped she could find interesting medicines.

She brought the absolute minimum of belongings, only what she could fit into a bag. She asked that some gold nuggets or silver chunks be prepared for her in case she needed cash on hand for anything—unprocessed precious metals would be the most versatile and effective forms of payment in I-sei Province, which did so much trade with other nations.

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