"Yeah. I'm an INFP, how about you?" I asked him, not wanting to find out what his type in girls is anymore.

"That's cool, no wonder we get along really well. I'm actually an INTP." He answered, and I swore that I saw his eyes brightened up just by this conversation about MBTI types. I didn't know he was interested in these things.

I let out a sigh. I guess I still have a long way in getting to know Anton better. Everything I know about him seems like just surface level.

"So, are INTPs and INFPs compatible?" I asked, trying to prolong the convo. Anton laughed at my question, before answering.

"Before answering your question, did you know that most INFPs find INTPs attractive? No wonder you like me," Anton joked. I on the other hand couldn't say anything but scoff. This guy really knows how to tease people.

"Yeah, whatever. Now, are we compatible?"

"The natural partners of INTPs are ENTJs or ESTJs, and INTPs and INFPs may be both on the introverted side, but they have really different interests." Anton explained, while I agreed since I can actually see it.

"But, INTPs and INFPs can work if they try, right? So, wanna give it a try?" I asked this time, and I could only laugh when I saw Anton hiding his face from embarrassment.

"You're going to be the cause of my heart attack, Yuyu. I swear to god. Bring back the shy type Yuyu." He blurts out, while I continued laughing because he really looks so cute whenever he's embarrassed.

"What other things are you interested in, Chanyoung?" I couldn't help but ask. I really want to know him better.

"Skincare. Next time if we ever have a sleep over, let's all wear facial masks." Anton answered, before poking my cheek.

"That's already a given fact, Anton. What else? I just wanna know you better," I told him.

"You already know me better than anyone else. You're the one I want to get to know, Yuyu. You're the secretive one. But, it's fine if you don't like to share anything. But, incase you want to, I'm all ears."

I wasn't able to say anything to what Anton told me. I was the secretive one? All along, I thought I was an open book, but I guess I was wrong. Oh well, there are times where I really don't want to say anything to anybody, because of the fear of getting judged.

"What are you doing here? And when did you even get here?" I asked Seunghan and Sohee who were already beside the car of Anton. They both cheered when they finally went inside the car. I was just glad that I'm able to sit in the passenger's seat.

"Just a couple minutes ago. Anton's giving free rides." Seunghan answered, and he really looks so happy today.

"And no one dislikes free rides, dude." Sohee backed his best friend up, while Anton just rolled his eyes at the both of them.

"Yo, guess what? I got invited to this cool party that are only for upperclassmen in my major. I am slowly getting into the cool circle," Seunghan suddenly brought up.

"You thought you're the only one? I got invited by my upperclassmen too." Sohee bragged as well, so I glanced at Anton who was busy driving, waiting to see if he also got invited, but I already know the answer to that.

I mean, Sohee, Seunghan, Anton, me, Jiwoo, and Rina are all freshmen while my older brother Sungchan, Eunseok, Wonbin, Shotaro and Dohee are all 2nd year college students, so it makes sense that they're all already in their own cliques too together with their own fellow students in the same major. We don't have frats or sororities like in other countries, but we have that which is kinda similar.

meet me at midnightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ