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TW: Blood, cuts and bruises


I could hear mumbling as I struggled to open my eyes up. As my eyes shot up, I realized I wasn't in my room, no. It look much like Alastor's room.

"Where the fuck am I?" I blurted out as I felt a head turn to me. It was Alastor, who was waiting patiently for me to wake up.

"Oh, I'm glad your awake!" Alastor said with his radio voice. "You sure have been knocked out for quite a while, hm?" Alastor grinned as he fiddled with his fingers. I've gotten so pissed of his teasing that I cupped his face with my hand and sent him flying, knocking over a table. "Why, you little prick!" He hissed, his antlers growing and his eyes turning to radio dials. I walked over to him and bent down, so we were directly face to face. I gripped on his coat, as I growled and glared my eyes at him.

"If you don't shut your shit-eating face I will personally rip you apart to pieces." My horns started to grow, as my eyes became red. "Tell me, WHY THE FUCK AM I IN YOUR ROOM!?" I yelled in his face, as his ears drooped down. My wings sprouted from my back, as I felt anger and tension building between us. I could barely maintain my breath at the big thick air in between us, but I was determined to find the answer. "WHY AM I HERE?!"

"Could you, kindly be quiet!" Alastor's ears perked back up, as he tried to take my hand off his coat. "Calm down and manage your anger issues, your majesty. Your simply too loud."

I realized how close we were as I dropped him back to the ground. I calmed down and I brought myself back to my normal form. "Kindly, tell me why I'm here."

"A few hours ago you fainted." The radio demon stood up and fixed his coat, as I gave a confused expression on my face. "I uh, remember about our deal~?" Alastor chuckled, which made me angry, because yes, I did remember it. "Now now, since you didn't specify how much or when I could take your blood, and for how long~!" His voice gave me a shiver down my spine.

"Yes, but, I DID say I'll give you my blood until you heal!" I shot back.

"Yes, well, your offer wasn't certainly clever! Charlie's already away so there's no need for me to be taking care of her and protecting her.~" The radio demon walked over to the window, as he gazed outside.

"Whatever, bitch. I wasn't thinking straight so leave me alone." I groaned, as I heard a small chuckle come from his grin.

"Ah, yes, well I certainly think you should get out of my room!~" Alastor's neck snapped back at me, clearly getting more and more annoyed.

"Okay, geez, weren't we supposed to be bonding according to Charlie?" I has a disgusted look on my face. Alastor slowly turned back to the window, pulling a chair to sit and stare outside to stare out to Pentagram city, clearly not wanting to utter a word back. "Answer me, you red-head!" I pounced at him, as I yanked his hair.

"GET OFF ME YOU LITTLE SHRIMP!" Alastor hissed as he tried to throw my hand off. Clearly irritated by the name, I let go of his hair, knowing not to ruin the hotel or hurt him, only for Charlie.

"Fine, but just to let you know I already would have kill you by now." I hissed, as I got a glare shot back at me in response.

"Kindly," He stepped closer to me, as our faces were only a inch apart. "Get. OUT." The radio demon growled loudly, his eyes growing wide and turning into radio dials. Of course I was clearly unamused, as I cupped his face and pushed him back again.

"Whatever, you tree." I grinned, hoping to get a reaction from the nickname before I headed out the door, which I was struggling to get out of. It made me think.. Why? Why did I feel like I want to stay near Alastor? With him? I got lost in my mind as I was caught staring at him for a few minutes.

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