Chapter 8

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You'd like to blame the weather for all the bleak feelings that were creeping up on you. For all the nights you couldn't seem to keep warm. For all the mornings you had to wake up alone to.

You stared over at the pile of trash sitting on top of the counter. Last night's dinner was left half-eaten, adding to the mess that began to take form.

Never, you thought, would you have grown to hate such a sight.

Letting out a sigh, you shifted onto your back, staring up towards the ceiling. You only stared in silence, thinking.

Eren was gone. You weren't sure when or how long ago he decided to leave. The only source of comfort left was the scent of his cologne smothered over your sheets. Reaching an arm out, you rubbed over the impression he had left behind. The spot was no longer warm.

The sight of the counter somehow brought you back to the meal with Levi. The comparison of the mess, the willingness to help sort things out.

He never would have left like Eren, either. If it was him, he would have stayed back, spending the night just because he could.

Why are you even thinking of that?

You raised your arms out from under the blanket, rubbing your face despite the cold air that followed.

You were upset now. And you didn't even know why.

Throwing your blanket to the side, you instead shifted your legs out and onto the carpet. You stumbled up and towards the counter weakly, nearly tripping in the process. All you had to conceal yourself was your underwear, but that didn't matter. You were alone, alone with a mess.

You grabbed the containers and all of the empty sauce packets, throwing them down into the trash can without a word. The mere sight was beginning to bother you way more than it should.

You continued to work, picking up all the things Eren had left behind. Only a groan. Only a frustrated sigh.

He never asked what had happened prior to him showing up. Or admit how he found out you were tutoring. His choice of words and the way he had touched you was enough of a distraction. To make you forget what had even happened.

Was it Armin? Did he call him up while you were in the bathroom? Or did you mention it in passing and completely forgot about it?

Leaning closer toward the counter, you shoved everything downwards that came into contact with your palms. You shoved and shoved, not daring to say a word. Only the sound of objects flying and crashing at your feet permitted some sort of relief.


You flinched where you stood. The collective sound of glass breaking forced you silent, hands still held mid-air. The glistening shards of the vase littered the floor, petals soon accompanying it.

Marlo's flowers.

As the carpet grew dark, soaking up the water that spilled, your eyes couldn't help but glaze over at the sight. Dropping to your knees, you only rubbed over your face with a whine.

You had tried your best to keep his gift alive, to give it some meaning despite the fact that they were used to say goodbye. But it didn't matter now. All that remained was you and a mountain of glass. As if mocking you for your pathetic attempt at keeping the peace.

And in that moment, you made a silent promise to yourself. With goosebumps and bloody knees, you somehow felt a wave of relief wash over you.

You weren't going to hide or shy away from what you wanted anymore. If you were lacking something, you were going to fight for it.

And if Eren couldn't keep up with that...


Levi wasn't planning on waking up early.

It was Friday, after all. Nobody had scheduled for a tutoring session, and in a way, he was glad. He could take the time to read, or take a walk around campus. Or better yet, he figured he could check up on the other person staying a floor above him.

Standing before the mirror, Levi brushed his teeth in silence. He stared into his grey eyes, occasionally furrowing his brows with each stroke he made.

What kind of expressions did he make? Did he smile enough? He has been trying, harder than he wanted to admit.

Picking up his brush, Levi then proceeded to fix his hair down the middle. He watched himself frown, seeing as his hair was getting harder to manage.

He rubbed at the back of his neck, weaving the grown-out strands between his fingers. He'd have to schedule an appointment to get it fixed. Maybe he could see about doing that today.

Leaning both hands on the sink, Levi could only sigh.

You know you're growing it out on purpose though.

Wandering back toward his bed, Levi threw himself among the pillows and blankets he had neatly placed prior.

He wanted to ask if you were okay. If Eren was able to comfort you about yesterday, though he knew that sounded pathetic.

Raising an arm towards his forehead, he only let out an airy breath before closing his eyes.

It's supposed to snow next week. Will she be excited? Annoyed?

"what am I even doing?" he whispered, just loud enough to where he could hear himself.

He'll just have to be more honest. More pathetic.

The silence of the room became deafening. Only the soft breaths he took and the ruffling of his clothes could be heard.

But as a faint string of noise creeped out from the floor above him, he could only stare up, confused.

There was probably only a handful of students still lingering in the dorms. The slim chance of those sounds coming from you... well, it's probably nothing.

Levi was going to close his eyes once more, to escape back into his thoughts about the future. To make use of the one day he has to himself.

But the vibrating sound of something shattering was enough to force his eyes back open.

He didn't bother to grab his phone or even his shoes. He only threw himself upward, running towards the door and out into the hallway.

He didn't care if he showed up and was met with confusion. He didn't even care if Eren was still there with you.

He promised himself he'd try harder. And if that meant acting more pathetic, more bold, well...

Maybe he was glad you broke something.

A Second Chance (Levi x Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon