04. connie & lil

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C O N N I E    &    L I L

C O N N I E    &    L I L

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c h a p t e r f o u r

.·:*¨ ¨*:·.

The classic teen experience, isn't something she's exactly lacked. Lilian wouldn't lie in saying that she was nervous walking up to this house, a mansion equally as a mansion as her uncles. LED lights, amplified base music, and plastic cups already seeping out of the house. Contends hand on her waist as she hits her pen while they walk into the house. "Just smile." Conrad whispers to the girl.

A couple of girls huddle around an array of way too expensive cake, "oh, hey Conrad!" One of them says the boy departs for her side to give her a side hug. "And this must be Lilian? I'm Nicole." She says causing Lilian to awkwardly smile and give a slight wave.

"Yep, that's me." All the girls eyes shoot towards her. PTSD.

But Nicole seems genuine, she goes in for a big hug, "your uncle has told me all about you. My family's big into the country club and debutante things. Plus Connie over here was my escort when I was one last year."

Lilian's eyes glance over at Conrad at the nickname, who's a good laugh, "Connie?!"

It was cheesy and he hated it. He scrunches his nose and eyes asa cringe response. "Oh that's what like half of cousins call him. Get used to it." She smiles sweetly.

Lilian laughs patting the boy on the back, "oh it is glued to my vocabulary now. Nicole, where shall a gal find herself a drink?" She makes the girls break a bit with laughter.

"Over in the kitchen on the left, the fridge and there's liquor on the island!" Nicole yells with pair around getting a head start on the walk over.

The music blasts louder as they find the Tito's vodka and some plastic shot glasses. "Oh fuck yes." Lilian giggles looking back at Conrad catching up, but shaking his head.

"Nope, count me out." He rushes to the fridge which he grabs a beer.

"Alrighty more for me then, Connie." Opening the beer, he comes back with joking disappointment. While Lilian pours herself a shot, and takes it, Conrad isn't forced on her. He stared to the side towards the birthday girl. "Holy shit that's fucking disgusting." The feeling mellows out fast as she notices the boys distracted self. Looking at her direction, "oh, there's the birthday girl!!"

While the shot hasn't settled, the weed sure has. She skips her way over to Belly who's sitting on a leather couch. "Hey Lilian? Right?" Belly has a smile on her face that was half fake. Not fake because of Lilian alone, but definitely fake.

"Yeah yeah, heard it's your birthday!!!" This outgoingness made Conrad standing to the side awkwardly a little more... awkward.

"Yeah! Oh sorry about the other day with the volleyball.."

TRUE BLUE, c. fisherМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя