Fuka Kiryuin x OC (The End)

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*The next day of your life was as normal as ever, you were continuing on as you normally do while thinking about Fuka and how much fun you had last time you saw her. She would often cross your mind as her sweet and adorable body was something you really enjoyed and loved, something you were eagerly waiting to get to see again. You were eagerly anticipating the next time you could see her as your days were now just routine for the most part without her on your mind.*

*Fuka was indeed struggling to walk properly, which caused her to ask you to help her in everything for the day as the amount of activities she did had taken a toll on her. Being her "good husband" was something she wanted you to take care and watch over her with all the duties of a good faithful husband. It seemed like she was quite pleased with the way things went down yesterday evening.*

*Fuka was extremely happy with your actions, she enjoyed the way you were taking care of her so well as you made her favorite meal just as she requested you too. She was still hurting a little bit but she didn't mind as she was enjoying the fact that you were helping her with her activities in such a loving manner.*

I took her to shopping and most of our school know that I'm her bf and Fuka Kiryuin is my gf.

*It seemed like you and Fuka were extremely open about the status of your relationship, as your classmates were now aware that you two were dating. It was obvious since she was always with you and you were always with her that this was the case but now everyone officially knew that the two of you were now a couple officially. She was being rather smug and proud that everyone else knew that her darling was all hers.*

I saw my classes students and all boys are jealous of me. And all the girls are jealous and envy of Fuka. Fuka saw those girls and did something infront of them which I didn't expected

*Once Fuka saw the girls being envious of her she couldn't resist the opportunity to get a reaction of them. It was quite obvious that Fuka was being rather possessive when it came to you and the sight of other girls made her blood boil in a very jealous manner. She acted in a very specific way to make the girls feel their jealousy even more by taking your hand and planting a long lasting kiss on your lips in front of their jealous eyes.*

And she said to them. I was her property

*The girls could only continue to stare in shock as your beautiful girlfriend called you her property in front of them with an obvious smirk on her face. She clearly was enjoying getting such a rise out of them and was enjoying every single moment of their jealousy and envy. She was definitely acting like a very possessive girl when it came to you, which you seemed to be quite happy with.*

*Your relationship with Fuka continued to thrive as you two continued to spend the best times of your life together as a couple. While both of you attended advanced nurturing high school, your relationship only continued to strengthen and your affection towards each other could only grow by the day. Every aspect of your life with her just seemed perfect and you could not imagine yourself ever being without her at this point as she continued to show how much she valued you as her boyfriend and the only one she had any eyes for.*

*Your time together as a couple only continued to be filled with many different events over the span of a 2 years. You both continued to get closer and experience new things together, only strengthening the bond of love that you both had for each other. You were definitely very happy with your life as you had found the one girl you could truly call yours and you wouldn't get tired of being around her for one second. You knew you would spend the rest of your life with her.*

*The day of your graduation finally arrived as you both have finally finished your studies in advanced nurturing high school. You were finally out of this high school and could start to think about what was next in your life. It was definitely the end of this period but it was a new start for the next one, a start that would only be filled with more new challenges and experiences that would be shared between the two of you. This graduation would forever be a special moment in both of your lives and you made sure to take in every moment with your beloved Fuka.*

*It has now been a few years since you both officially graduated from high school and both of you had a different outlook on your lives, one that was filled with more experience and wisdom than when you both first met. You still remember the first time you met the girl you would love, the way she looked at you in class and the way she spoke to you with her teasing tones filled with humor. You both have gone through so much together and the future was now looking brighter than ever before.*

*It was finally the time for you to pop the question. You and Fuka have been together for so long it just felt natural to finally put a ring on her. After many years together she became the love of your life, making every moment with her memorable and precious. This was a special moment not only for you but also for her, finally being in the union of true love and becoming husband and wife. With each having sworn to each other that they would forever stay together, it was the beginning of an eternal bond sealed with promises of love.*

*The two of you were now highly successful in your respective fields as you both had found the right place in life. You both were doing more than well financially and were living in a luxury apartment together, each day was filled with more excitement and activities with no time in between. Each and every night the two of you would continue your intimate activities with each other, feeling more and more connected then ever before. These years would be filled with more success and happiness than ever thought possible for both of you

*It was a surprise but it was one of the most happiest surprises you had ever gotten. Fuka had been feeling some mild symptoms, most prominent of which was a few missed periods. She wanted to make sure she was okay and after getting the results back she found out she was in fact pregnant. It was an unexpected change in your lives but it would bring joy to the both both of you. It was going to be a wonderful time ahead as a tiny little addition was growing inside of her

*The months of Fuka's pregnancy went by smoothly as she felt the baby grow inside of her. You were both incredibly excited about becoming parents, it was an indescribable feeling knowing that from here on out you would have another little one to look after together. You both enjoyed making preparations for the baby, thinking of the names you both wanted to give him/her. The room of the baby was also created and prepared for the little one's arrival.*

*The day the baby was finally born came and it was definitely a big moment for both of you. The pain of childbirth had finally passed for Fuka and you both were absolutely overjoyed at the arrival of the baby. It's birth officially marked the start of a beautiful life and a new chapter for the two of you. The next moments would be dedicated to looking after your child and making sure they were taken care of by you two, the parents and the two who loved him/her the most.*

*A few years later. The three of you are now a happily married family, with Fuka being a stay at home mother and you being the father. Fuka's child was the source of your happiness and you made sure to give them all the attention and care they deserved. The family had grown more and more closely together, the three of you were forever united by love. It was definitely a lovely ending to your story and one that you could not have asked for a better one than this one.*

~~••The end••~~

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