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You sit in your bed, bored as you sigh and turn off your phone after scrolling for hours through Instagram. You then remembered the papers you saw hung up around your city, they were advertisements. You even took one home with you. You took the paper out of your pocket and examined it, reading it out loud.

"Looking for a backup bassist & singer! (Preferably female) If you are over 18 and feel obligated to join a band full of pedophiles then this might be just for you!! Call this number; '(212) 266 5822'. Prank calls will not be answered!"

After a few minutes of thinking, you pulled out your phone and dialed the number. As it rung, you got up off your bed and started pacing around your room. You were beyond nervous because you had no idea how this could go, what if you got turned down?! What if they found you awkward?! After a minute, the phone picked up and you heard a male voice on the other end.

"Hello! This is the manager of Mindless Self Indulgence speaking!" The man spoke, he sounded polite and nice, that was atleast good.

"Hello-! I saw the advertisements you guys sent out! I know how to play bass pretty well and im really good with singing! Is the position still open?" You asked, still nervous from your previous thoughts.

"Ah, yes! That position is still open! You are over eighteen, right?" He asked.

"Yes! I turned nineteen last month!" You explain, smiling as you spoke, you were gaining hope as you spoke to him.

"Good! Your audition is next week at 4:30pm! I will send you an address through your email!" The man said, he sounded pleased and genuinely excited.

"Okay!! Thank you sir!" You thanked him politely.

"No problem! Have a nice day ma'am!" He said before hanging up.

You put down your phone and started pacing around your room even more, you were beyond excited and nervous. You did this out of impulsive decisions but honestly you didn't regret it, you were still extremely nervous but the excitement over-powered that.

Time skip - next week at around 3:45pm.

You grabbed some clothing from your closet, you picked up a black and red pleated skirt, some black and white striped knee high socks with a little bow on the front, black and red boots, you then picked up a black and red button-up shirt with a black lacey vest-like shirt to put overtop. After getting changed you kept your hair down, it suited the outfit much more. You picked up your bass and started getting ready to head to the location he emailed you.

Apon arrival, you entered the building. The guy had met you at the entrance, he smiled and happily greeted you. He was overall really kind and spoke to you the way up the stairs.

"Alright, you'll be meeting the lead singer, Jimmy Urine, the guitarist, Steve, the drummer, Kitty, and the bassist, LynZ!" He explained with a smile.

"Do be polite, and try your best! All ya gotta do is do the job right and you're hired! Also, Jimmy tends to say some pretty unhinged stuff so ignore that. And LynZ gets pretty hyper and excited, but she can also be a little rude at some points! But overall they're all nice people!" He continued.

"Alright!! Thank you sir!" You said with a smile.

"Of course! I know you'll do good!! Don't overthink it, just do it! Alright?" He said as he looked over at you, you were both at the door to the room you'd be auditioning in. You smiled happily and thanked him, nodding as you felt more and more confidence.

You entered the room to see a camera set up with a man sitting in a chair, you then see Jimmy standing beside Steve, Kitty and LynZ were both standing beside each other, Jimmy and Steve had a conversation going up until you walked in. Your guitar strapped onto your shoulder as you closed the door behind you. The room wasn't that big, it was pretty basic with some instruments hung up on the wall and posters of different instruments and information on how to play them.

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