"Thank you."

"It looks good naturally, though. Well I mean, it looks good no matter what you do."

"Even if I got a buzzcut?"

"Hmm maybe not."

I faked offense and he laughed. "I like your hair too."

He blushed. "Would you still like my hair if I got a buzzcut?"

"I'd like you no matter what."

That wasn't the question, was it?

"But don't get a buzzcut." I teased.

-Time skip to them sitting down bc I feel like it-

"And then I got to like fly through the sky, and it was so cool." I told him about some of my acting experiences.

He just looked like I had said the most evolutionarily idea ever.

"I've always wanted to be a superhero. Like Batman."

"No way, Superman is so much better."


"Dude, Batman has zero powers, lame tools, a fancy car, and a kickass butler. Superman had every power under the sun, can beat literally any hero, and has the coolest disguise."

"No. You're wrong."

"Denial is the first step." I put my fork into my mouth.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" He groaned.

"Who else has said that?"

"Oh nobody, it's just a common saying."

I furrowed my eyes at him in confusion.

"If you say so." I laughed.

A random blonde girl came up to him.

"Oh em gee, Walker?"

"Uhm, yeah. Sorry, do I know you?" He asked politely.

"No im just a big fan. Could I pleaseeeee take a picture."

"Oh well actua-"

"Real quick!" She pulled out her phone and they took an awkward photo together before she left.

He sat there with a slightly disturbed look on his face before apologizing for the inconvenience.

"It's fine. I love fans." I joked.

He smiled his annoyingly perfect smile and laughed.

"Is there anything I can get you guys for dessert?" Our waiter asked.

"Oh no tha-"

"Yes, please. Could we get the strawberry shortcake, please."

"Of course. That'll be right out."

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