"There's the bitch," I heard Jihan muttering as soon as I reached the Dean's office, making his mom slap his arm. I glared at him, not saying anything since I don't want to stoop down to his level.

"What did you just say?" My father asked Jihan, and he looked calm, but I know he's already angry.

The Dean made us all calm down, before asking us again what happened. I was shaking a bit while telling everything that had happened, because I just now realized how serious the situation could've been if it weren't for Rina and Shin Yoonchae helping me out. I also presented the videos taken by other students who were there during the incident, making Jihan's mom slap him, while his father just looked at him with a disappointed look on his face.

"They're framing me! That must have been edited!" Jihan tried to save himself by spewing up lies, but the Dean didn't buy it, and in the end, he was kicked out of the university.

I felt some sort of satisfaction after seeing Jihan crying while begging not to get kicked out, and I was glad that I didn't feel any guilt. He deserves it. And, I'm doing the rest of the students favor by getting him kicked out, because who knows? Anyone can be his next victim.

After that long conversation with the Dean, we were finally sent outside. My parents hugged me, telling me once again how sorry they were for not taking action immediately, and how sorry they were that I had to get all those bruises just because of that stupid guy.

"Thanks, Ma and Pa. I really am grateful to have you guys as my parents, so you don't have to be sorry about anything." I told them sincerely, and my Pa had to comfort Ma who started tearing up after I said those words.

"Don't mind me. I'm just so glad that my daughter grew up to be such a wonderful lady. I love you always. Now, get back to your classes." My mom shooed me away, and my dad just gave me extra money before letting me go.

I waved at my parents once more, before running towards my class. It was Arts 1 after all. Anton's there.

"Where did you go? You were almost late," Anton asked worriedly when I was finally sat beside him.

"Secret, no clue." I tried to joke, but he just rolled his eyes at me, making me laugh.

I really am in the same friend group with Anton for years, but it's only now that I realized that I don't really know him that much. I didn't know he's so sassy, it's making him even funnier, especially when he rolls his eyes and when he glares at me.

"You do know that even if you act all sassy and petty, I still won't stop liking you, right?" I asked in a joking manner, making him scoff.

"I'm not sassy and most definitely not petty." Anton answered, but he wasn't looking at me, and even moved his chair away from mine. Not petty at all, huh?

"You're adorable," I can't help but blurt out, and even before Anton can say something back, our prof finally arrived.

Yumi - 2 Anton - 0

Before ending the meeting, our Prof asked us some updates on our projects. And I was glad that Anton is very artistic and he even knows the history of arts, so he really knows what he's doing in this subject. I'm just glad he's my partner.

"Not bad. Keep it up," Our prof told us after we showed her our on going work. Anton and I high fived each other when we were finally out of the classroom.

"We're the only ones complimented, right? That's so cool." I couldn't help but blurt out. You see, I might be lazy, but I'm one competitive girl, especially way back in high school. I even always get nosebleeds from studying too much in the past.

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