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Everything was how it usually was. Both my parents worked during the weekend, so I was home alone most of the time. A lot of the times my parents don't come home until after 12 am. or maybe even until the next day. They're doctors so it makes sense that they don't really come home at all and don't usually miss work.

Moving on, my family has always been into anything relating to witchcraft and maybe even black magic. I've seen a few paintings of pentagrams that looked like they painted on a desk or a wooden floor. In the painting of course not physically on my floor. Those paintings inspired me to paint one like them. A while ago I bought a canvas, red, black, purple, and different shades of brown paint. I got home right away already knowing what I was gonna do. Since I was inspired with the paintings I found in my parents closet I decided to paint a pentagram that was painted on very old wooden floor boards with blood on it. But when I got to the point of painting I didn't really know how to get to that point-... so I just gave up and painted a pentagram.

I decided it would look cool on my wall next to the shelf's full of my fake plants and my crystals. I quickly grabbed an exacto knife from my moms art room, and ran back to my "painting" and started to cut the canvas, but I didn't realize how close my finger was from the knife that I accidentally cut my finger and some blood got on the painting. Then, the whole room became pitch black. I heard a few pots fall onto the floor and break into pieces. I didn't move a muscle so I don't risk myself getting cut by the shards of glass. I grab my phone from my pocket and try to turn it on, but for some reason, it was dead. It was at 80% just a minute ago? The lights suddenly flicker back on.

I see a man sitting on my moms art desk where she does her sketching and colouring and smaller paintings.

I jump when I see him. He wore a white hat with a snake wrapped around it with an apple either staying perfectly still, or just sewn on it to make it stay put. He was white like blank paper with red cheeks. And a mix of a smug grin and a welcoming smile was PLASTERED on his face. He had blonde hair and red eyes too, which made his figure a bit more intimidating.

He wore a white suit with red accents and underneath was a red and white striped dress shirt and he wore white pants with black boots and he held a cane with an apple on top as well.

"Who are you?? I have a sharp object, fear me!!" I say as I pointed the exacto knife at him, obviously fearing him more then he feared me.. which made everything 10x more awkward.

He laughs. He snaps his fingers and the broken glass and broken ceramic vases disappear into thin air.

"Don't worry, mortal. I am not here to harm you! Im here to grant you a wish! I mean... you summoned me with your blood after all." He said. I looked at him, not lowering what is to be considered as a weapon.

"First tell me who you are, intruder!" I yell. Not believing in a single thing this man says. Which didn't make perfect sense since my family and I practice witchcraft and a little bit of dark magic ourselves.

"You have no idea do you-..?" He says. Just as confused as I suddenly was. "What..?" I said under my breath.

"You painted a pentagram, and got blood on it the lights turned off and I appear right infront of you trying to make a wish of yours come true. It's easy math, sweatheart." He said, quite sternly, but kept his cool.

I blink in realization. This was Lucifer. THE Lucifer. I expected a human man, like how I accurately imagined it. But I was wrong, this was an actual demon.

"You're.... Lucifer.." I said in a quiet panic. Everything was so much for me to process.

"Hey hey! You're already learning my name and we've only just met! Now, about that wish. What will it be?" He said. Leaving me thinking. What did I want from him? Absolutely nothing, Im happy with everything that I already have. I couldn't think of one think that I wanted and didn't have. I have plenty of money that if I could move out and buy myself a home and the necessities, I would, but I haven't come of age yet. But I will soon. Only a year left.

"I don't... want anything... I'm happy with what I have.." I said. Which made this man smile slightly but also made him a bit annoyed.

"Listen.. I'm glad you are grateful and you are fine with everything you already have, but I won't be able to leave your side until you decide what you wish for." I start to think some more. But I couldn't think of anything. I didn't want fame, at least not right now. I didn't need anymore money because I already have saved up a lot. I did want a relationship with someone else. But I didn't wish for it since I can make it happen myself. So I thought harder. And nothing popped into my brain.

"Nothing. I don't want anything from you" he sighs. He tries to convince me.

"You don't want any money?" He said. I shook my head. "I have plenty of money saved up. I don't need anymore." I said. He rubbed his chin in thought.

"What about fame? A lot of people want fame!" He said. I shrugged.

"I don't want that right now. I'd rather enjoy my childhood then enjoy the fame when I'm older." I said. He was shocked. I guess he barely ever found himself in this situation.

"You're a smart one, kid." He thought a little more. Then he looked up at me again.

"Would you like anything to do with the stuff you like? Perhaps you like singing, or creating music. I could give you instruments and even a microphone, or maybe you're more artsy and creative, maybe a brand new sketchpad! Or paint, or even just pencils! Maybe you like reading? Or writing? I can give you books and pencils and book markers! Or maybe animals!" He suggests a bunch of things. They're all things that I liked, but I declined all of them. I could just get all that myself if I could and wanted to.

"I could get all that myself if I could or wanted to" he sighed once again. Understanding my point with annoyance in his tone.

"You are right.. well, guess I'm not leaving your side anytime soon." He chuckles. I look at him with a straight face. Not happy.

"Well I might as well befriend Satan himself." I thought, rolling my eyes, smiling. He seemed like a goofy guy. So I didn't worry to much about him.

"I'm going to my room." I said, walking out of my moms art room and going to my room to go to call my mom to let her know I'm going to sleep.

Once I got to my room I plugged my phone in and grabbed a book and started reading. (I don't give a fuck what you guys say, y'all are reading I Was Born for This by Alice Oseman.)

My phone finally charged and I picked it up and went straight to my moms contact. I pressed the call button and she answered immediately.

"Hey, mom." I said after she greeted me. I paused a bit as she asked me how I was and how my day went "I'm doing alright, I met a new friend today. but I'm about to go to bed. What about you? How are you and how was your day?" I asked. She answered very tiredly. Apparently there was a patient who got into a car accident and broke a few bones. Nothing she or dad couldn't handle. Then another patient just came up and needed to do a surgery soon. So she didn't really have time to talk. I was just letting her know I was about to go to bed anyways, so it was fine "well, I won't disturb you any longer, I just wanted to let you know I'm going to bed so you don't have to go wrecking the house looking for me again." I said, laughing a long with her. Then she told me she needed to go we said our goodbyes and she hung up, going straight back to her job.

And I went to bed, putting on some music getting under the covers and curling up into a ball to get comfortable. And soon, I fell asleep.

Finally the chapter is done. This took me a bit, but I made it. I'll probably make another chapter on my bus ride to school tomorrow. Idk maybe writing an x reader story on a public bus may not be the best idea ever, but Idc anymore, I'm really invested in this story.

Also the name for this story is called "The Arts is the Finishing Touch (Lucifer x Reader)" so I'll change that right away.
Thanks for reading ❤️

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