Start from the beginning

"Do pardon me." Jelavich appeared in a fancy outfit that revealed her chest with sunglasses and a beret. "Greetings, students." She approached the E Class students who were getting on the train.

"Bitch-sensei, what's with the Hollywood starlet look?" A student asked. "Standard practice for any assassin who uses her womanly wiles. A lady never neglects fashion just because she's traveling." She explains to the students with sass. "(name), you'd look really good in an outfit like this!"

(name) took a second to imagine herself in Jelavich's body and her face burst in pink. "N-No way!" The other students laughed at her reaction. Jelavich ignored her and pressed (name) onto her chest.

The two had gotten quite close after their first meeting. More like, Jelavich would play dress up with (name) and make her wear revealing outfits with an encouraging phrase like, 'Don't hide your beauty! Shine, my disciple!'

"You stick out like a sore thumb. Go change. As a teacher, you're their chaperone. Look the part." Karasuma reprimanded, but Jelavich just brushed him off. "Don't be such a stick-in-the-mud, Karasuma! I'll show these brats just what a grown-up trip-" "Take it off. Now." Karasuma orders, an angry expression painted on his features.

After the class loaded onto the train, Jelavich sulked on the seat opposite of Karasuma, now in changed clothes. "Who's chaperoning who?" "Guess she's been rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous for so long that she's lost touch." Kataoka and Isogai sighed.

A small group of Kataoka, Isogai, Kimura, and Yada are planning a way to corner Korosensei. A larger group consisting of Nakamura, Maehara, Okano, Fuwa, Kurahashi, and Okajima are playing a board game. Another group of Chiba, Hayami, Sugaya, and Mimura are showing each other cool things they brought for the trip. A different group of Takebayashi, Yoshida, Muramatsu, Hara, Hazama, Terasaka are mainly quiet.

(name)'s group is looking for Korosensei, but (name) had a feeling they would find him in the end so she didn't stand up. She rested her head on the window and fell asleep.

"Heyyy. (name)! Wake up..." Someone was trying to shake her awake and (name) knew it was Karma but she figured he was just trying to annoy her she ignored him. "Everyone's getting off the train! We'll miss our stop if you don't wake up!" That triggered her and she jumped up. "What!?" She yelled, making her other classmates look at her. "S-Sorry..." She whispered and sat back down to see Karma cackling hysterically.

"What the heck?" She whisper-shouted to Karma, whose laughter reduced to residual giggles. "That was hilarious." The boy stated, wiping away his tears. She crossed her arms angrily and faced the window. Karma noticed her change in mood and lightly tapped her shoulder. He placed his finger close to her cheek, so when she turned he could poke her. "What."

He held up his phone that had a picture of (name)'s group beside her while she was sleeping. (name)'s anger dissipated as she looked at the photo on the small screen. A small smile appeared on her face. She swiped through the pictures only to see one she didn't like. A picture of her sleeping with her mouth wide and a bit of drool on the side of her lip. She could hear Karma's muffled chuckles from beside her. An irk mark appeared on her forehead and she did the unexpected.

She smacked his head.

It was a light smack, so it wasn't completely out of character. But, (name) never hit anyone. Even a light slap. "Oh Karma's in trouble. Kyuhuhuhu." Korosensei giggled, snickering in his front row seat. The whole class was watching to see what the duo would do next. Karma reached an arm up to her face, making her surprised from the sudden contact on her cheek.

He pulled harshly. "I cannot believe you just hit me!" He added his second hand to worsen the pain on her cheeks. "Ow! S-Sorry!" She shrieked, "Y-Your hands are c-cold!" The class chuckled at their antics, figuring it was just normal Karma and (name) things. Once he let go, she turned away from him with pink cheeks. 'Wait, didn't I hear Korosensei?' She looked out the window.

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