Where our paths meet.1.1

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"It's a cold night as always..." i said to myself as i am patrolling the palace's garden.

As i looked up, i could see him, standing on the window of his bedroom and drawing the view like he does every time. And every time, he spots me looking at him. Every time is the same. I look at him, he looks at me, and then he leaves just to return later, hoping i am gone, but like every time, i am still here.

Waiting for him to do the same as usual and jump out the window and enjoy the garden because the king doesn't let him leave his room... only for diner and even diner he can't take with the royal family, he either gets food send to his room when he refuses to eat or goes and eat in the kitchen with the rest of his servants. Is actually funny to think that a person with royal blood is treated like this from his own father. Well... his fath- i mean his majesty was always like this. I am wandering. How will the next king rule this kingdom or... who.

•a loud sound made its presence in the night•

-"oh? I guess he finally decided to come down." I said to myself while hiding behind a wall under the prince's window.

I watched him as he walked around the garden... all the flowers started to bloom as he was walking next to them. This isn't surprising for me anymore since i've seen it a lot of times now. I can still remember the first time i saw him in the garden... i know it was the night i turned eighteen...


I was patrolling as usual when i heard noise coming from the garden... i walked slowly to not make any noise in case there was an intruder, but for my surprise, it was the prince... it was the first time seeing him since the kind is hiding him from people's eyes. For the people in the village, he is just a story, maybe even a legend. But beside that... there was something to him... something magical... every time he was walking next to a flower, that flower would bloom immediately... even if the flower was dead, he would revive it. I stood there speechless, watching him, watching all this happening.


I could not believe my eyes, not back then and not even now. Sometimes i wonder if the king knows about all this or not... but that is not my business anyway. I am glad i can watch all this happening before my eyes... is like me and the prince share a secret together even though he doesn't know i watch him. I don't want to know what would happen if he knew i am always here when he does this.

•the next day, Azrael was called to meet the king.•

-"good luck, bud." Said another guard to me.
- "what have you done now, kiddo?" Said Ma'Emma, a kitchens greatest cook. "I don't remember doing anything in the last 48 house, Ma." I responded to her while keeping the walk.

Finally. I was face to face with the king. The one who sent his army to destroy the village i was born. But this isn't something i haven't done before. In fact! I met his majesty a long time ago when i was a kid because i might have or might not have released all the army's horses because they looked sad in their boxes. But that's a story for another time!

I walked confident since i knew that i did nothing wrong lately, but the king watched my every move.

- "Azrael." He said to me with a serious tone, but he seemed to be in a good mood today.

- "Yes, your highness?" I respond.

- "I have made a very important decision. Since you already know the illegitimate son of mine, who everyone talks about and even thinks of him as a story, is real... and since you've been actually growing in my eyes, i've decided to give you the responsibility to watch over him"

- "..." i was actually speechless. What should i even say... i don't know.

-"Azrael!" He yelled at me.

- "Y-yes?" I said in a trembling voice. Him yelling at me actually scared me since it was so sudden. Don't think of me like a chicken, i am not! It just took me unguarded.

- "Did you understand what i said?" He asked me, visibly annoyed by my silence.

- " Yes your highness... but are you sure? What is the point of me watching over your son who never even leaves his room?" I asked. This was the only think that came on my mind at the time so i just spoke... it wouldn't be good for me to angry the king even more...

- " You see... the queen, most likely, won't be able to remain pregnant again due to her age. And since all the babies she had, turned up to be girls... they cannot rule my kingdom. So, in the end, he being my only son, even if he isn't 100% royal blood, he can still rule this kingdom." The King said to me but i still did not understand exactly his point. I still don't see my role in the prince's life since he doesn't leave the palace, but i guess the king has read my face since he continued...

- "That means, he will have to leave his room and explore the kingdom. To creat an opinion and to gain the motivation to protect these people! Do you understand now? You will go with him everywhere he goes, but until then, you will keep doing your job as usual. All this will start in 3 days, when the prince- my son will be eighteen years old." He said to me and i nodded in response. He then signed me to leave and so i did.

\| What do you mean i wrote 991 words ??? The end of the chapeter btw|/

The son of the king👑Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant