''Bree Bree, you are really here. Look at how pretty you look'' Amelia immediately hugged Aubrey tight and they spun around in a circle whilst they hugged. Demi joined in on the hug and laughter and giggles came from all of them as they spun in a three-way hug.

''Thanks, you guys look so pretty too. Lay's holding the present we got you'' Aubrey told pointing over to Malayah who stood close recording them.

''Thanks for the gift we are just happy you came'' Demi held Aubrey extra tight she loved her.

''Come Bree, we've gotta get our faces painted'' Demi dragged Aubrey with her towards the face paint stand, when Amelia stayed behind Malayah looked at the child slightly confused, Amelia took a few steps forward hugging Malayah tight around her waist.

''Thanks for coming Laylay, please don't leave us'' Amelia was always affectionate but the hug she gave Malayah felt different she held onto Malayah very tightly as if she was afraid to let go.

''Don't thank me for coming sweetie, I'll always show up for you and I'll never leave you'' she assured crouching down to be at level with Amelia so they could hug properly, the two stayed in place for a few moments the sound of Amelia sniffling made Malayah pull away and look at her.

''What happened mama? It's your birthday you ain't meant to cry'' Malayah wiped Amelia's tears away hoping she would stop but the child's cries only got worse, not wanting to create a scene Malayah picked her up carrying her into the home and the went straight into the powder room.

''Deep breaths sweetie, when your ready tell me why your crying'' Malayah wiped away Amelia's tears then held her hands guiding her on how to breathe and take deep breaths, after a few minutes Amelia had calm down and was ready to explain what caused her tears.

''It's just that Dad has been telling us you wouldn't show up and that you don't love us you only love Kay and his family, he even said that you're the reason that Micah is gone. Me and Demi didn't believe him though'' Amelia stammered on her words whilst Malayah wiped her face.

Malayah's father had been feeding the twins all sorts of stories, following the closing of Micah's case due to false leads, lack of information and their main eye witness Zyir Jones dying after being taken off life support, the private investigators sated that the case has gone cold and it's best for it to be closed. Malayah's father was now resentful towards Malayah had she complied the outcome would be different. So now Malayah's father was being childish he knew how much Malayah loved the twins and is desperate to turn them against her. 

''That's not true at all, I love you guys more than I love myself. Whenever dad says bad things about me don't believe it sweetie, I would never leave you guys I love you with my whole heart. It's your big day I don't want you crying'' Malayah held Amelia close running her hands through the child's ponytail, after a few minutes of comfort and words of motivation Amelia was feeling much better and returned outside as if she hadn't just been crying.

Malayah's whole mood was shifted by what she heard, It was like each day her father was beginning to shock her even more, keeping a brave face she returned to the party avoiding her parents to the best of her ability she didn't even look in their direction. she was grateful her cousin from Pennsylvania was in attendance they caught up and chatted throughout the whole party. Despite what she heard Malayah had a good night and was happy to see everyone.

After spending time with her cousin she spent time with Micah's baby mothers who were seemingly very good friends now despite their previous dislike for each other and the two woman were still heavily pregnant and due any day now. Nightfall came quick and all the guest enjoyed the party, they all took cakes and other treats with them then went home, Demi Aubrey and Amelia were the only people left outside they made dance tiktok's whilst Malayah giggled and filmed from a distance.

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