Akihiko reaches into his coat, traces of nervousness in the way his hands fumble around in his pocket searching for whatever is in there. 

“Close your eyes…!” He chirps out with excitement, a wide grin on his face. Haruki does as he’s told, left wondering as Akihiko takes his hand on his own, placing something in his palm. “Here’s to our 10th valentines together.” Now being allowed to look, Haruki is greeted with a rather luxuriously wrapped box, upon opening it the item is intricate and shining - A barrette adorned with small ruby rhinestones taking the shape of small flowers sits inside a plush pillow.

“It’s beautiful Aki.” 

“Just like you.” The affection catches Haruki off guard for a second, leaving Akihiko a chance to quickly leave a kiss on unknowing lips. Putting the lid back on the box, Haruki stands up and starts to get back on track, heat very prominent on his face. The intense looks he could handle, but not that. Akihiko joins him again, laughing “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” apologising holding his hand once more. 

They finally arrive at the doorway of their shared home, though before Akihiko can walk through the door, Haruki stops him. 

“Wait here for a second okay?” Akihiko stares at him confused as Haruki hurriedly unlocks the door for himself, leaving him outside waiting like a puppy wearing the same wide-eyed look, Haruki could practically see his figurative tail drop. But he wasn’t the only one with a romantic surprise today.

Even with the small detour, the food he’d prepared looks just right, not too crisp, not too soft. Lighting the various jasmine scented candles and laying out everything on the table, and setting up the perfect atmosphere with soft music.And for the final touches, Haruki inspects his appearance in the bedroom mirror, his hair carefully put up and decorated with his new barrette. Realising Akihiko had been standing outside for over 5 minutes at this point, Haruki paddles to the door letting him into the house.

The meal turns out to be a success, most definitely getting the seal of approval from Akihiko- 

“So good Haru!” he loudly proclaims, still putting food to mouth far too quickly. It was nothing special yet he made it seem as if he was eating the utmost quality at a Michelin star restaurant. 

“Slow down, also don’t talk with your mouthful.” Unfortunately the warning is useless, and the serene moment is shortly disturbed by Akihiko’s small coughing fit. Haruki hands him a glass to recuperate which he gladly takes.

“You really didn’t have to do all of this Haru.” He says through a scratchy throat.

“It was the least I could do, especially considering what you brought me.” Haruki dismisses the praise. “You’ve been working so hard recently and you deserve to be pampered.” He continues with a downcast laugh. Akihiko was working hard , and Haruki couldn’t be anymore proud. But with that, it felt like he wasn’t doing enough. After today, things would go back to what they were, and something like this wouldn’t happen again for a while. A strange feeling arises in Haruki’s stomach, he wants to push it down, forget about it. For Akihiko’s and his own sake.

“Hey love, earth to Haru?” Haruki is brought out of his weird trance by his husband pressing his hand against his, the golden bands on their fingers clinking together. He looks worried, the gentle candle glow illuminating the concern in his eyes. Ah…this wasn’t supposed to happen.

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