Chapter Two

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Psyria hesitantly shook his hand. "Morning."

"I hope you don't mind some time taken out of your day," Cube said.

"No, it's fine," Kestrel replied. "How can we help?"

"Let's go somewhere private. I have some questions as to what you saw."

Looking back at Willow first, who watched curiously, they followed Cube. He led the three to a quieter place inside a nearby restaurant. No one was inside as per evacuation orders.

Cube sat at the bar, beckoning for the others to join.

"What are your names?" Cube started.

They introduced themselves, mentioning their friend outside.

"Which one of you was actively in the building, helping shapes get out?" he asked.

Kestrel raised their hand.

"First, don't do that so recklessly," he started.

"I have fire immunity," she sheepishly said, but closed her mouth.

"Just in case," Cube continued. "But what exactly did you find? Word got out rather quickly to me that shapes locked underground were found."

Jace looked at Kestrel, not having heard that part yet.

"Yeah," they said. "Thinking about it now, something probably isn't right. Maybe I don't understand the situation, and you can ask any of them, but it seems weird now. None of them had heart chips, and they didn't have the color stripes on their outfits. It shouldn't be hard to pick them out from the crowd in there."

"Interesting. I did notice some of them," Cube said. "Where exactly were they all located?"

"The entrance was on the first story, and behind a door that said to keep out and all that jazz. It was also locked but from the outside. The inside wasn't exactly lit well but it was enough to see. There were also a ton of doors in the single hallway."

"Would you be okay with showing me? I would like to see it for myself," Cube said.

"Yeah, that's fine," Kestrel replied. "Uh... now?"

"Yes, please."

Willow turned as he noticed his friends walking out of the building. Aubrey peaked over from where she sat on their lap. Kestrel waved, then facing forward as Cube followed her.

Turning back around to face the shape, he finished applying the gauze to their arm, and started on their ear. "How does that feel?"

"Good," they said while fixing their glasses, shrinking back into the makeshift pillow made of a blanket. Bubbles grabbed their hospital gown, snuggling up.

"My little friend here—their name is Aubrey—seems to like playing with him. She doesn't randomly play with other kids, so they must've felt safe," Willow said, pointing at the boy. "I'm Willow. And... yeah, this is Aubrey. Again." He smiled awkwardly as Aubrey waved.

"...I'm Azra," they responded, pulling zir friend closer but staring at their lap. "That's Bubbles."

Aubrey pulled on Willow's sleeve. "Snack."

Pulling a snack out and opening it, he returned his attention back to Azra. "Is there anything we can get you? To make you comfortable until they decide what to do, that kind of thing. For him, too."

Azra looked up. Quietly, they asked, "Do you have any more of those headphones? Or at least something to play with, I guess."

"Ah, no for the headphones, I'm so sorry-," Willow said. "But do you like stars or cosmic things?"

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