tater, meeksrocks, prescottkid, billyboy, dewriley, galeweathers and 109 likes

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tater, meeksrocks, prescottkid, billyboy, dewriley, galeweathers and 109 likes

hazel_loomis71 This isn't fair, Don't Try to Blame This on me, My Love for You was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me.

stumacher Hazel please, i love you.
<hazel_loomis71 if you loved me, you wouldn't have been around her. You told me she hurt you Stu?!? Was that just a lie?
<<stumacher she did hurt me.
<<<hazel_loomis71 Apparently she didn't hurt you as badly as you said.

caseybecks oh boo-boo get over it.
<hazel_loomis71 piss off Becker Bitch.
<<caseybecks did he tell you everything we did?
<<<hazel_loomis71 I don't care, you can have him.
<<<<caseybecks he made me feel so good.

billyboy you don't need him Hazel.
<hazel_loomis71 i know, but...
<<billyboy I know, you loved him.

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