A silly date

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Toga and Agata just sat in a coffee shop as the aroma of the freshly brewed coffees wafted around the room, Toga stared at her beloved as she sipped the coffee  before speaking, possibly about to say some of the most devious jaw dropping stuff humanity has ever had the misfortune of hearing .

"Agata you don't understand, it was necessary for me to strangle that child for breathing the same air as the jester plush in the shop two days ago" Agata stared at Toga wondering why she even wanted to date her in the first place, I guess she just had some atrocious taste in women. "Toga..I hate to tell you this but jester plushies..don't really breathe" Toga stared at Agata, horrified she would say such a thing. "Mine does! I mean, sure it's possessed but it still breathes!" she stared at Agata with a goofy smirk convinced she'd won the argument until her pookie wookie started speaking again"Dear..not all of them are actually possessed you know?" Toga stayed silent for a moment, not really in thought but wanting to seem like she was. "I know! But you forgive me because you love me" Agata sighed before nodding and smiling at Toga.

"Anyways..how have you been?" Toga asked Agata with a goofy smile hoping she'd had a nice time. "Atrocious, I want to string Frank up and beat him with a bat".                                                                "Oh I..never took you for the violent type!"                                                                                                    "What the hell are you on about I literally beat up that mutated blob fish you unfortunately call your dad on multiple occasions.." Toga sat there staring at the table for a minute, she'd forgotten she did that in all honesty. "Oh yeah!" Toga began looking around the room just to make eye contact with a child staring at them "what are you looking at you little rat!!" The child gasped before speaking "I'm not a rat, I'm a kid! And I actually have a name, it's Patricia so use it!"

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