Teen ~ Three

510 57 47

~ Nanon ~

"So, that guy... is..." Fourth wasn't able to finish his sentence. And my father and mother were already embarrassed to even face me. So, they left the house to run some errands.

I nodded and pulled my head out from below a pillow. "Yeah. He is The Head Honcho."

"Holy Shit!" Fourth jumped down from the counter gaping wide eyed.

I sighed and held my head in my palms. In millennial language, my brain is not braining anymore.

"Now what? Oh shit. What if he recognized you?" Fourth asked.

"Why would he agree if he recognized me?" I asked dully.

"He is straight?"

"He is meeting girls for wedding?" I again asked the obvious dully.

Fourth nodded slowly thinking. "But then..."

"Stop it!" I snapped. "I am going to resign tomorrow."

"Are you nuts? Yours is the only income in the household right now." Fourth snapped back.

I speculated frowning. It's true though. Dad is not jobless, but we all know that we are in this shit because his work is not stable right now. And Fourth is studying still.

"Then what shall I do now?" I looked at him helplessly.

Fourth and I looked at each other helplessly unable to speak or think anything. All I know is, my life is not going to be the same anymore after this.

I rushed to the bus stand. My bike is punctured and the car is still hidden somewhere I don't know.

And after all that is happening, the last thing I want is to be late for work and give the head honcho a chance to yell on me. In fact, I want him not to see me at all if possible.

The bus is on the stand and I am around half a kilometer away. I clutched my bag tight and ran for my dear life.

But as I was about to reach, the bus started. As I did not stop running, a hand swung in the air reminding me of the classic Indian scene of DDLJ. The only difference was this time it was between two guys and there was a bus instead of a train.

I held the strong hand and he pulled me with a strong grip that his height and body mass would allow him to.

"Thanks." I said panting as he finally helped me stand straight in that moving bug.

The guy grinned wide. He too has dimples. Are we long lost brothers?

"You are welcome." He said in a deep masculine voice. How I envy him right now for his awesome Indian genes.

He is taller than me, taller than the head honcho too. He is not more muscular than him though, but definitely more than me. His aura is strong and his smile is charming.

"Aryan!" He said and extended a hand towards me.

I looked up at him surprised. But he has just helped me. So, I shouldn't be rude. "Nanon." I said and shook his hand.

The bus was full and there was no way I could get a chance to sit. So, I had no option but to stand where I was. And same goes for this guy.

He chuckled. I turned to look at him frowning in confusion.

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