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"Thank you for all of your hard work Y/N, I truly could not have done it without you by my side. You have my most sincere thanks" Serena wrapped Y/N in a tight hug and Y/N reciprocated having to bite her tongue to hold back tears  

"Don't cry now, Y/N. Go out there with your head held high." Serena smiled with a hand on her sisters shoulder 

Y/N smiled "I'll see you out there Serena" 

Customary to the tradition of Serenity, any family members of the current President of Serenity will walk out to give an introduction and guide the President down the stairs. (I made this up)

As Y/N approached the doors, she could hear the chatter from their guests and two servants swung the doors open as she approached them and made her way to the balcony as the guests went silent 

"Dear family, friends and esteemed guests. I thank you for gathering on this prosperous evening. As many of you know, my name is Y/N Constance Serenity and I am the younger sister to our dear President. We gather on this night to usher in another year of prosperity, wealth, and happiness to our beloved Serenity. And with that, I would like to welcome our third President, Serena Serenity."  

Y/N turned as Serena walked out from the doors and everyone began to clap 

Serena took Y/N's hand as Y/N guided her sister down the steps 

Whispers of "What beautiful sisters!" and "Oh, they look like fairies" came from the crowd 

Y/N parted from Serena once they made their way to the bottom of the steps and almost instinctively walked over to Raul who smiled at her 

"You look very beautiful tonight, Y/N" 

"Thank you Raul. You look quite handsome as well" 

He smiled and blushed slightly as she stood by his side 

Y/N watched her sister look around. "Is she looking for Eiser?" she muttered 

Eiser walked up to Serena and stood in front of her

"Perhaps I'm reading into things too much" Raul whispered to Y/N, "but it seems like Lady Serena and Sir Eiser are gazing at each other much more warmly than they did before!" 

"I think you're quite right. They aren't glaring coldly at each other any more"

She stood silently as Serena gave her speech and she noticed someone from the corner of her eye. The young man she had seen while she had sung at the Jazz club weeks before. She froze when they made eye contact and she tore her gaze away as a myriad of thoughts ran through her head 

"Why was he there?"

"Does he know I'm Cosmina?" 

"Will he tell?"

When it was time for the announcement Y/N had to go back to Serena's side and stand with her on the dias while Serena made her speech. 

Once the speech was over Serena went off to mingle with the guests and Y/N tried to sneak her way to the food table but was stopped by a few businessmen and businesswomen who were all curious on doing business with the Serenity hotel 

Y/N begrudgingly went through with the conversations and lost count of how many times she said "I'll make sure to put a word in" 

Her back hurt by the time dinner began and her only solace was the steak that was being served 

She sat at a table with Serena and Eiser so the whole meal was awkward and quiet and Y/N didn't dare to speak until the end of the dinner when Y/N made her way to the Master Suite to see Serena already hunched over a counter 

﹒୨𝑒   ゚ ˖  ⠀𝐁𝐄𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐃Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz