What the velvet didn't expect was after achieving their home run to stardom was to maintain said glamour. After all Gaining fame was harder but keeping it was nearly impossible.

Velvet sat at her vanity brushing her hair, letting the comb detangle her wet tresses of lime green hair as Veneer was rubbing an expensive skin cream into her milk colored face. Veneer's soft base like humming soothing Velvet's panic down to her bones, as she moved on from a face cream to lash serum to keep those large doe sodalite eyes of hers accessorized with thick fluffy long lashes.

Baby blue eyes looked at their darker counterparts and Velvet suddenly felt the pressure of making sure that she and her sister maintained their newly found fame,

Velvet thought it was unfair since Veneer worked so hard on 'watch me work' only for Veneer to struggle on writing their next hit and it didn't help that she wasn't good at writing lyrics either. Singing they've perfected with their pitches and tones but actually writing the lyrics and making the sounds to connect the song together, both sisters were completely clueless about that.

Velvet could feel her heart puncture as she didn't want her and Veneer to fade into obscurity by being one hit wonders. Velvet wanted more than that and to rub their fame in their parents faces instead of having to crawl back home to the dentists and beg for forgiveness.

Velvet's hubris was too grand for groveling towards those two ever again. But a buzzing on her phone brought her out of her revere. The younger twin watched as Veneer in her oversized off the shoulder T shirt which barely reached thigh length with matching plaid panties strutted over to Velvet's bed, too lazy to return to her own which laid in the room after their joint dressing room and plopped down letting sleep consume her.

Velvet glanced down to see a message of,

yingyang23: so do you still need some talent?

It was the message from the anonymous man she met in a chatroom after she complained about she and her sister's dry spell with lack of song producing. With one last look at Veneer blissfully sleeping in her kingsized bed, the veil of her canopy making Veneer's porcelain skin tinged with a mint green blush appear violet, Velvet messaged back

Starlover675: Yeah, I do, unless you're gonna tell me what I need to do you can fuck off.

Velvet didn't have time to goof off with this internet weirdo, she needed someone to write lyrics for her, preferably someone who was a ghost writer and wished to remain in their shadows. Unwilling to face the light of day until the twins got on their feet.

yingyang23: No need to be hostile, I have your solution, meet me at 34 grove street and bring cash. What you want isn't for free hun.

Velvet sighed as she knew that what she craved for she and her sister wasn't going to come for free especially from a random internet sleaze she's been talking to for the last few days, but she was desperate; especially since she and Veneer couldn't afford an actual legit song writer since they used their remaining budget to hire Crimp.

Starlover675: How much cash are we talking here?

Velvet lamented with a sigh as she didn't think that this would be an expensive endeavor but it'd be worth it in the end once they can release their whole album that their manager had been pressuring them for and definitely afford a real song lyricist.

yingyang23: well it depends on what you want, but bring at max $5,000.

The younger green haired twin silently thanked whatever higher entity was watching over them as that was almost the exact amount of money they received from their royalties last week, Veneer stashing the cash like a little chipmunk just in case if they needed it. And my god did she need it right now in this moment.

Starlover675: I swear if this is some cheap trick to rob me, i'll fucking destroy you.

Velvet tapped her fingernails against the vanity as she heard Veneer softly grumbling about her pet fish sparkles as they danced together on a magical candy island together.

Man her sister's dreams were weird ones but Velvet did get some juicy blackmail from those random goofy dreams that Veneer decided to vocalize.

yingyang23: no trick just have some valuable merchandise I need to get rid of.

Velvet rolled her eyes as the guy oozed false security but again she was on her last limb and didn't want to give up on their dreams and let themselves crash and burn like meteorites.

They weren't meteors, they were constellations, beautiful bright burning stars destined to be remembered for the rest of their lives and immortalized by the plethora of fans they have until the end of time itself.

Starlover675: why do you need to get rid of it, if it's so valuable?

She knew she wasn't wrong in asking, if this would really solve their problems why was the guy so willing to give it up for such a cheap price. However It didn't take Velvet long to get her answer,

yingyang23: the long arm of the law is finally catching up to me and I need to split fast, so you in or not?

That explained a lot, the mount rageous police were typically jokes, velvet giggled to herself as it took crashing her mom's car 15 times in order for the cops to reconsider her ability to drive, now Veneer had to drive them everywhere or Crimp had to drive her places due to them revoking her license.

However when they caught wind of something as serious as a smuggling ring, may god have mercy on your soul, they'll start hunting you down as if you were a rabbit during hunting season. So she didn't blame this guy for wanting to get rid of all his illegal contraband and go on the lam in order to escape the harsh brutality of their law force.

Starlover675: How's 20 minutes from now?

She might as well take advantage while the getting is good and Velvet can tell that this guy is getting impatient with her to make up her mind. So she'd take the leap after all stars always make risky ballsy moves in order to reach the top and stay there.


yingyang23: Perfect, I'll be wearing a black trench coat.

this was the least she could do for them to succeed. As Velvet stood in her chilled bedroom, she needed to come up with a plan of how she was going to keep this new guest away from not only the prying eyes of the rageon police but her nosy sister who was too soft for her own damn good.

She'd have no doubt that if Veneer found out what she was going to do, her older sister would try to talk her out of doing this dangerously illegal move. She won't be talked out of this, not now not ever.

She was going to get the keys to their platinum pedestal and keep them on top, come hell or high water. They deserved it.

Running her knuckles across Veneer's softly flushed with bile green cheek, she knew she was doing the right thing for both of them.

Velvet then ran to their shared closet and settled on an inconspicuous outfit of Veneer's oversized obsidian hoodie that had mint green fur built into the collar and a pair of her yoga pants that had a vivid pink stripe along the side.

On her feet were a pair of Veneer's crocs that had little tiny rhinestone charms, they were the same shoe size so it didn't matter how they fit, Velvet just wanted to be as hidden and out of sight as possible by wearing an outfit she herself wouldn't be caught dead in but Veneer would wear to get their latte orders without being instantly recognized.

Velvet tied her hair up in a loose sloppy bun before ducking under their bed and grabbing the oversized perfume bottle that held the fat wad of cash, the reason that Veneer had placed it in there was,

'Who would look in a perfume bottle?' Velvet knew her sister wasn't wrong in that simplistic reasoning especially since Crimp had stumbled across the glass multiple times and just brushed it off completely blissfully unaware of the large sum of money that laid under it's glass exterior.

With the cash tucked into her sister's hoodie pocket and the hood over her head, Velvet moved off into the night. Off to stroke the flames of their dreams into a forest fire.

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