Chapter 1: Enough

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"Um well you know my favorite show is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic right?"

"You mean that children's show with the stupid horses?" Donita said with clear disinterest as she turned back around at her desk. Donita had heard Dabio obsessing over the show many times before and she was growing sick of hearing about it. He shouldn't be getting that excited about colorful horses at his big age.

Dabio felt very offended at Donita's description of the best show to ever exist and could tell by her response that she was already agitated with his existence. "They are not stupid horses, they are ponies." Dabio loudly corrected her but flinched in fear that she would strike him again. Luckily she just rolled her eyes.

"Ponies. Horses. Who cares it's still just a stupid kids show that you are far too old to still be watching" Donita basically shrieked.

Dabio wanted to defend himself and his beloved ponies but he knew fighting with her would lower the chances of him getting permission to go to the convention.

"I- I know you think it's just a stupid horse show but it means a lot to me. I was wondering if you would let me go to the convention here. Pretty please Donita?" Dabio had his fingers crossed behind his back. Donita just stared at Dabio. Her eyes went wide.

Dabio spoke again. "We can even go together. I saved up enough for two tickets." Dabio said as he pulled out two small slips of paper from the pockets of his way-too-tight jeans.


Donita tapped her pen against the table in a rhythmic fashion before finally answering.

"No Dabio." She held up a paper with graphite smudges, "Besides you're going to be too busy collecting animals and modeling for my spring collection to go anyways! Now leave me alone. I have a lot of work to do."

"Okey dokey Don-"

Dabio paused

Why was he going to take this treatment again? The Wild Kratts never spoke to him like this. Hell, the other villains didn't even speak to him this way, but Donita did. Even after capturing hundreds of animals for her to turn into fashion statements. Even after being her personal bodyguard, driver, chef, you name it. Even after all he had done for her, she still treated him like gum on the bottom of her little kitten heels. All he wanted to do was attend a gathering where he would meet fellow My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic lovers like himself. Maybe he could even make some real friends. But Donita never cared about him or what he wanted. She only cared about herself and what she wanted to do.

He knew that it was because of his disability.

Dabio felt so discouraged and embarrassed he wanted to just run to his room and cry, but he knew Donita would make fun of him for doing that too.

Dabio stared at the back of Donita's head for a few seconds before taking a deep breath.

"Actually Donita. I have something else to say."

Donita groaned as she turned around in her chair once more "What is it Dabio? It better not be about those damn horses again!"

"I think sometimes you are a meanie. I don't like the way you treat me."

Donita looked at Dabio in disbelief "You don't like the way that I treat you? Well, darling, you don't have to like anything that I do. You just have to do it. Do you think I honestly care about what YOU want to do!"

"No Donita. How you treat me is not right. You act just like Gilda the Griffin. Always bossing around every pony no matter how much they do for you."

Donita didn't know who the hell Gilda the Griffin was but she was growing more and more irritated with Dabio's disobedience.

"If you don't like how I treat you go ahead and leave. See how long you make it in the real world without me to hold your hand like a toddler. You're more of an overgrown man-child than Zach."

With that Dabio was done.

"Fine. I will!"

Donita didn't even care. She just turned right around in her seat again and got back to work. What she didn't know was that Dabio was completely serious about leaving.

Dabio went to his room to pack a bag. He packed his most valuable possessions:

His rare MLP figurines

His Fluttershy blanket

His tuxedo print t-shirt

His champagne toast bath and body works body mist

His Tamagotchi

A life supply of pizza Lunchables (in case he needed a snack during his journey)

As Dabio was looking for more stuff to pack he stumbled across a photo of him and Donita that he had in a bedazzled pink frame. Well, to be honest, it was a photo Dabio took of himself and then photoshopped Donita into, but the photo still had sentimental value for him so against his better judgment he packed it with him.

Time: 4:30 am

Location: Donita's Private Jet

Day: Friday

Dabio heard Donita go to bed about 5 hours ago. He sat on his twin-sized bed tapping his foot anxiously on the floor. He still was contemplating running away but he was terrified. He hadn't been by himself in years and didn't know if he was capable of surviving on his own

He checked his phone. He knew the private jet was parked about 30 minutes from the city. He was hoping that when he got into the city he could find a hotel. Somewhere Donita wouldn't find him.

Eventually, Dabio decided that he needed to do this now or risk Donita finding him awake at this hour. He got off of the bed, suitcase in hand, and headed for the door as quietly as he could.

Dabio was actually quite graceful for his size and was able to sneak out the door (which was still slightly busted from Chris ripping it off in the Sloth Bear episode) and down the stairs while making minimal noise. It's probably the first time Dabio has been able to walk freely without hauling around Donita like a sled dog!

As soon as Dabio was outside the made a run for it just in case Donita had heard anything.

And with that Dabio made his trek towards the city. The song "work" by Iggy Azalea was blasting in his off brand Temu AirPods

This song was very special to Dabio because the lyrics captured his current predicament and the artist is an immigrant such as Dabio is.

Walk a mile in these Louboutins

But they don't wear these shits where I'm from

I'm not hating, I'm just telling you

I'm tryna let you know what the fuck that I've been through

Two feet in the red dirt, school skirt

Sugar cane, back lanes

Three jobs, took years to save

But I got a ticket on that plane

People got a lot to say

But don't know shit about where I was made

Or how many floors that I had to scrub

Just to make it past where I am from

No money, no family

Sixteen in the middle of Miami

Thank you for reading this mess. Critique is welcome.

Updates coming soon!

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